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The Spiritual Maturity...

The Spiritual Maturity

By: Ramaathis-Mam
The Spiritual Maturity
Canalized by: Ramaathis-Mam
11 January, 2008

That the light of the divine spheres love penetrate deep into your heart and invade it of harmony and peace.

To walk on the path of spiritual ascent must be discernment and introspection to analyze what is expected of such a transformation process. Most operators of light are not aware of the wishes hidden that under the mask of spirituality sabotage their life and journey of spiritual elevation. Many people addressed the spiritual life as a device to resolve their labor, physical, mental, psychological problems and obtain better quality of life. Due to ignorance and misinformation, take refuge in all sorts of techniques and processes that are supposed to give them happiness that so much are hankering for and do not get through conventional methods that supply the system.

Depending on the level of evolution that one has it vibrates in a certain frequency that attracts ideologies, concepts, values and processes that supposedly produce a comprehensive welfare on the individual. But if we make an objective assessment of the situation in the world of spirituality we can detect a lot of confusion, conflict and disagreement. Although each individual is in a specific stage of evolution, there are universal factors that are common at all levels of evolution. The problem of the techniques and procedures for spiritual growth, which now abound in your world, is that limit the person blocking its spiritual progress. All methodologies and processes are mechanisms that must promote the spiritual growth of individuals to bring them to the pinnacle of perfection, which is recover immortality and return to the level of divine love and selfless service. There are many spiritual schools, and each one of them thinks that has the monopoly of the spiritual ascent, when actually are partial expressions of a specific level of evolution.

Discernment and introspection are two essential tools for those who are interested in advancing spiritually. Without discernment we can not know the level of evolution in which one is neither the procedure for moving up the ladder of spiritual evolution. The introspection helps us understand what our spiritual cracks that keep us stuck in the process of repeating mistakes. Everything in the universe is interconnected because it emanated from the same divine source, and as a result, there is a process to tune it. The spiritual maturity implies understand which is the aim of life as a axiomatic truth in the universe, that is to develop the selfless service attitude as a device of connection with Divinity.

Spiritual maturity implies to know our limitations and conditionings in order not to fall prey to the spiritual egocentrisms that generate all kinds of crises and conflicts that end destroying us. When you go into the regions of the divine must be aware that walk along a path unknown to you and that is beyond your comprehension and control. Many people think through their intellectual mental and physical capacities can enter and dominate planes of spiritual evolution. It is important that you understand that the world of the divine spheres is a level much higher than your intellect, reasoning and sensory capacities. These are the worlds in which live those who have developed the spirit of service and unconditional surrender to the divine intentions. Are you willing to that or your interests vibrate at the level of egocentrism seeking optimal conditions of existence so they satisfy your egos? Many people join all kinds of schools, groups and spiritual movements with the aim of improving their living conditions, unaware that this has nothing to do with the spiritual metamorphosis. Spiritual maturity implies questioned what is the purpose of life and what it seeks when practised meditation, altruism, therapies personal growth, relaxation, and so on. In reality, what you are looking for with all this is a psycho-emotional and physical well-being instead of going in the path of inner transformation that is challenging and painful because it violates and questions your egos.

Being mature means to be honest with oneself and see how far are you willing to give up all that hampers your spiritual growing. The bad habits are still present in many light operators thinking that this does not affect their spiritual sensibility. The separatists and exclusivist concepts only create conflict and confusion in many people due to ignorance and spiritual fragility that end disappointed about spirituality. Sincerity must be present to accept the mistakes, limitations and ambitions that prevent you to give up the ideas and mental speculations that are projections of the ego that sweeten and nourish your life. When you have a certain level of spiritual maturity, one questions anything that does not encourage the detachment toward relationships that do not create spiritual bonds, but negative and emotional anchors. Those who already have some connection with the divine level are the ones who stand out for their work in personal transformation utilizing the appropriate mechanisms to do so. These are people who have developed the universal vision of life and accepting those tools that contribute to the expansion of consciousness and spiritual growth.

When one is sailing in the spiritual maturity feels the need to take off all conceptual, ideological, emotional and psychological ballast that obstruct the connection with the divine source. The universe, as an emanation of the creative power of God, has been created for the purpose of arousing the spirit of service and unconditional cooperation with the divine plan of cosmic evolution. Everything else is secondary aspects that pollute and overshadow your perception of reality as divine service units designed to work together and vibrate in tune with God. Spiritual maturity is the power with which the Divine has given us to understand that we are small divine particles sailing in the ocean of unfathomable cosmic evolution. This feeling generates a spiritual sensitivity that strengthens the consciousness of being part of the creative power of God, who manifests its magnificence and compassion within each creature.

Spiritual maturity is a state of self-observation that covers all aspects of the individual that interfere with the flow of spiritual transformation. What you are willing to do to change your discordant behaviors, harmful habits, misconceptions and conflicting and belligerent attitudes? When one has spiritual maturity, compassion and respect for those who do not vibrate in harmony with the laws of life and evolution is manifested through the warmth, acceptance and lack of criticism. When it vibrates in a tessitura of spiritual maturity the life is perceived as a relentless flow of divine grace that is guiding from anonymity and love, our processes of evolution. It is to admit that without the guidance and protection of God everything is full of darkness and confusion, ending in the abyss of self-destruction and spiritual decadence.

Spiritual maturity is been develop when you understand that, despite the personal effort, you are still anchored and the shadows of ego and you ask for the divine grace to guide you and help you to transmute it. Patience, perseverance and determination are tools of spiritual evolution that are par of the spiritual maturity, that activate and transmute those aspects of your life that are mistaken. The honor and adherence to the codes of spiritual metamorphosis is something that you have forgotten and that is the essence of the spiritual warrior that is vibrating in the spiritual maturity. The personal improvement is another important element of the spiritual maturity that generates inspiration, strength and understanding when you are trapped in the spiritual crisis. When you develop the spiritual vision of life, you transcend the ego barriers that catalogue and evaluate all, because you understand that everything obeys the purpose of the cosmic evolution and you are the promoters of it.

Every time you face the challenges of life with integrity and transforming spirit you are developing spiritual maturity. When adversity of the circumstances hit you psychologically and emotionally, and accept them as part of your transformation and divine grace, you strengthen the spiritual maturity. When you are caught in the confusion and uncertainty and you open, fully accepting your vulnerability to life and its circumstances, you are developing spiritual maturity. The understanding that everyone has something to contribute to your spiritual development is a symptom of spiritual maturity that contributes to dissolve the hig-handedness of ego that lives in the world of shadows and constant confusion. So when you are in adverse circumstances, it tends to disappear from the scene so as not discover that he does not know how to deal with them because of a lack of discernment and introspection that comes from connecting with the Essential Being and with God. Spiritual maturity is a path of transformation and personal that looks for the protection and guidance of divine plane that generates prosperity, harmony and inner peace. Only then you will get to vibrate and experience what it means to live in the world of the spirit and the divine consciousness as the essence of life and evolution.
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