Amethyst is a healing, calming, spiritual stone. |
Have you ever tried to use a pendulum and gotten frustrated because it was sluggish or even erratic? Well maybe it just needed a good energy cleansing.
Many pendulums are created with crystals, stones, and natural gemstones. These absorb whatever energy is around them and can hold on it for a long time. You will get the best results from your pendulum if it has only your energy to work with - so it's really a good idea to cleanse it before using the first time (and then occasionally thereafter as you feel necessary).
Over time, natural stones and crystals pick up and store the energies they encounter, both positive and negative. In most cases the energy stored in your pendulum is very beneficial, but if there's a build up of negativity or old energy in the stones, it can interfer with its effectiveness. It’s recommended that you periodically cleanse your pendulums, and in fact, all of your healing stones and crystals.
There are dozens of ways to cleanse stone energies, but I've limited my recommendations to those that are completely safe for all stones and for sterling silver. If you've read much about energy cleansing, you've no doubt come across methods that employ sea salts and/or liquids. Though effective at cleansing energies, these methods can corrode sterling and damage certain types of natural stones (see note at the bottom of this page). There are other reliable, easy, effective methods that don't have these risks. Here they are:
1. Gentle Energy Cleansing Kit
Energy cleansing made easy - This is my simply system that employs natural energy cleansing methods - the power of citrine and written intent.
2. Smudging
3. Cleansing Crystals
4. Crystal Cluster "Baskets"
5. Brown Rice
6. Sunlight
7. Moonlight
8. Ho'oponopono
9. Visualize Cleansing Light
After cleansing, then charge with fresh positive energyAfter your pendulum or crystal is cleansed, you may also want to “recharge” it. Recharging puts beneficial positive energy back into the stones. To recharge, you can use therapeutic sound, light, blessings, or even your own physical touch. If trained in Reiki, you can recharge your pendulum and crystals with Reiki energy and/or symbols making them nimble and responsive. |
______________________ Some cautions about salts and water: I don't recommend cleansing with salts of any kind because salt is a corrosive and it will damage sterling silver. Additionally, there are certain stones that don't do well with salt. Rather than memorize which are safe and which aren't, I recommend simply avoiding it. I also caution against using water as a cleansing method because some crystals do not fare well if wet. Selenite for example, will turn cloudy if it gets wet and it may stay that way for a long time (or forever). Also, placing sterling silver into a water bath can hasten its natural oxidation process. credit: |