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Om mani padme hum, What does it mean?

H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama's definition

"It is very good to recite the mantra Om mani padme hum, but while you are doing it, you should be thinking on its meaning, for the meaning of the six syllables is great and vast... The first, Om [...] symbolizes the practitioner's impure body, speech, and mind; it also symbolizes the pure exalted body, speech, and mind of a Buddha[...]"
"The path is indicated by the next four syllables. Mani, meaning jewel, symbolizes the factors of method: (the) altruistic intention to become enlightened, compassion, and love.[...]"
"The two syllables, padme, meaning lotus, symbolize wisdom[...]"
"Purity must be achieved by an indivisible unity of method and wisdom, symbolized by the final syllable hum, which indicates indivisibility[...]"
"Thus the six syllables, om mani padme hum, mean that in dependence on the practice of a path which is an indivisible union of method and wisdom, you can transform your impure body, speech, and mind into the pure exalted body, speech, and mind of a Buddha[...]"
-- H.H. Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama, "Om Mani Padme Hum"

Do not believe anything simply because...

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. ~Buddha

Channeling 103...

    channeling is the process of communicating with spirits who are not currently inhabiting bodies. More specifically, the communication is based in either telepathic or direct spirit-to-body contact (or both).  You can think of telepathy as a more refined and subtle form of verbal communication. Spirit-to-body contact can and often does involve some amount of "taking over" of the channeler's body. In extreme cases, this can become possession, either with conscious agreement from the channeler or not.  Last century, when spiritualism took root in Western Europe and the United States, channelers were called mediums. Before that, they might have been said to "hear voices" (such as with Joan of Arc) or to be prophets, such as with Muhammad, Jesus, and many of the other well-known Middle Eastern mystics. The oracles at Delphi were almost undoubtedly channelers, as were many others in the service of a wide variety of deities throughout time and history. Channeling has come to mean communicating with entities who have either inhabited a body but now don't or who claim to have never inhabited a body. It is possible to channel someone who is currently inhabiting a body, though that isn't generally what people mean when they speak of channeling. For completeness, though, do bear in mind that the definition includes this aspect. 

Divination Vs Prediction

Divination has always been one of the most popular and widely practiced of all the occult arts. In a world so full of uncertainty the idea of getting some wise guidance from a higher power, the idea of peeking into the future and gaining advanced knowledge of what will happen, the idea of knowing the consequences of your actions in advance so that you can choose the right path - these are all very appealing notions indeed. 

There a literally hundreds of different methods of divination, from examining the entrails of a recently slaughtered sheep or goat, to staring into the flames of a fire. Today, with divination at least as popular as it ever has been in the past, the most commonly used methods are astrology, tarot cards, palmistry and the Chinese I Ching.

But although more people than ever have access to some form of divination, such as newspaper horoscopes which are read by millions, there is also a greater degree of misunderstanding around as to the nature and purpose of divination than would have been the case in the past.

Most people tend to think of divination as fortune-telling, as a method of predicting what will happen to someone in the future. But actually this is an over-simplification, and it introduces a subtle but important error into the way we think about divination. Whether you perform reading yourself, or if you are just an interested person who maybe reads their horoscope, you should know that in order to gain the most possible benefits from consulting a divinatory device it is important to be aware of the nature of the information which you will receive.

The classical warning against the kind of misunderstanding which is prevalent today was given in the form of a story. This story is about a king or emperor (I don't remember the details, only the general outline, but it's that which is the important bit). There was tension with the neighbouring kingdom and the emperor consulted an oracle to help him in a decision about whether or not to declare war and invade his neighbour. The oracle told him that if he went ahead with the war her would crush a great army and lead to the collapse of the kingdom. he took this to mean that he would win a great victory and went ahead with the war, but it turned out that through his own incompetence his actions crushed his own army, and lead to the collapse of his own kingdom.

The significance of this story is that the emperor went to the oracle expecting a prediction but actually got a divination and his misunderstanding lead to his downfall. In this case it was not in the oracle's power to predict the exact outcome of events, or describe what would happen to whom. What she did (what divination always does) was to describe the character and form that events would take. Within this pattern individual people and events are somewhat irrelevant, and cannot be accurately predicted. If you keep this in mind when using divination it will serve you well.

It is also important to remember that whilst divination describes the cosmic, spiritual influence which will come to bear, and the overall character of what you might call the physical and psychological environmental factors, human free will and the inertia of material circumstances may have something else to say. The correct attitude to divination is expressed in the medieval word from divinatory signs - 'auspices'. You may often read in a newspaper horoscope, for example, that you will come into some money or that you will meet a new lover, or some other such thing. But what it should really be saying to be more accurate is that it is an auspicious time to do business, look for a new source of income, or play the lottery, or that now would be a good time to socialise and meet new people. By doing this they would not be trying to predict the future, an endeavour in which they would often fail, but would instead be providing advice as to how to make the most of the situation and how to be successful, happy and perhaps most importantly in harmony with the world around you, which is what divination is all about.

Reproduced by permision of the Morning Star PortalBy: Kephri Ra
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The Shift Towards Galactic Consciousness

The recent release of the apocalyptic film 2012 is fuelling the debate on the Maya ‘end-date’ of the Winter Solstice 2012, which is now only three years away. The mainstream media focuses mainly on horrific visions of the end of the world, or occasionally refers to the instantaneous deliverance of humanity to a ‘golden age’, but then argues against both of these by clumsy rebuttals of all Mayan Calendar studies.

However, many of us who have studied the calendar—and the consciousness derived from immersing oneself in the subject—see something altogether more refined. The first point to recognize is that the 2012 end-date (aka ‘cyclical renewal’) is interconnected with the consciousness and events taking place in the world right now. The Mayan Calendar is an intoxication—the subject pulls us in. The date of 2012 has proven to be a great attractor of human desire and wish fulfilment, so for this reason alone it is a massive global event. We cannot deny the sociological impact of 2012 as a subject of exploration; the abundance of ever-widening theories is itself an artefact of the end-date. It must be recognized that the divergent and often extraordinary interpretations of the meaning of 2012 are systemic to the date itself. The totality of the intoxicating and compulsive 2012 social phenomena is a product and reflection of the change of reality heralded by the Mayan Calendar.
The truth about 2012, from my perspective, is that it signifies the awakening of Earth within the cosmos—it heralds a ‘galactic initiation’. The single most important message of 2012 is the expansion of consciousness toward the galactic frequency. The human experience of this frequency is diverse and kaleidoscopic, with an attendant explosion of information.

The Maya and their Calendars
To counteract the plethora of misinformation and disinformation, it is vital to understand some basics about the Mayan Calendar. While the Maya undoubtedly developed and made full use of their calendrical system, it is useful to remember that the calendars pre-existed the Maya and are generally attributed to earlier groups, in particular the mysterious Olmec.
The ancient Maya were a Mesoamerican civilization who lived in what is today southern Mexico to northern Central America. Their civilization is known to have existed from about 1,800 BCE; however, the Classic period of the Maya, during which their culture flourished, covered from about 250 CE to 900 CE. The Maya coexisted with and succeeded other Mesoamerican cultures such as the Olmec and the later Zapotec, and preceded the Aztec and the Inca. 

The Maya of the Classic period were experts in architecture, astronomy, mathematics, art, agriculture, urbanization, theatrical ritual and shamanic cosmology. They fully developed pre-existing advances such as a written language, a system of calendars and carved inscriptions on stone. They were responsible for many of the stepped pyramids, while their astronomical and numerical systems were astoundingly accurate, measuring cycles and timescales far beyond present-day science’s estimation of the known Universe.
The Maya utilized a number of remarkably complex, interlocking and synchronized calendars and almanacs—according to Maya Elder, Humbatz Men, the Maya employed up to 17 different calendars. One of these is known as the Sacred Calendar, or tzolkin, which is a 260-day calendar based on the period of human gestation. The Sacred Calendar is comprised of 20 Daykeeper characters and 13 Timewave numbers, giving each day of the 260-day ‘year’ a unique flavour. 
The Maya also used a 365-day solar calendar, the haab; a lunar calendar; an astonishingly accurate 584-day Venus cycle calendar; and other calendars measuring different planetary cycles, including the orbit of Mars.
However, it is from the Mayan Long Count calendar, which measures vast amounts of time, in the thousands and even billions of years, that the currently debated ‘end-date’ of 21 December 2012 is derived. 
The proven track record of the Maya to accurately measure planetary cycles proves that the shaman-priest caste were not ignorant barbarians making this stuff up. We can infer that they, as did many ancient cultures before them, knew about the precession of the equinoxes, the Earth’s approximately 26,000-year cyclical relationship with the galaxy. (John Major Jenkins has made an excellent case for the 2012 renewal date to be tied to the completion of a 26,000-year precessional cycle.)
Even conventional archaeologists recognize that 2012 is the end of a 5,125-year cycle (one fifth of a full precessional cycle). This is the completion of an era that began in 3114 BCE, a time that is generally acknowledged as the birth of recorded history.
Our historical perspective—and with it our whole concept of the origins of the species—is under revision. This will then generate a completely different vision of the future than is currently credited by our consensual worldview, which will in turn change the present.
The Mayan calendrical system as a whole looks to be both a legacy of an advanced ancient civilization and a shamanic download encoded with more information than the Classic Maya could possibly need or know about in their era.

Galactic Consciousness
Looking at the huge cycles of time measured by the Long Count calendar naturally orientates us towards the principles of creation and the cycles of civilization. The Mayan Calendar links the cycles of civilization to the energies of the cosmos. After all, it is in the cosmos where these huge numbers are meaningful, so we look outwards from Earth to space, which inspires our futuristic urge as a species, to explore, to travel and to colonize. It brings up wonder about what is out there and, looking from the viewpoint of standard science, we are left with the puzzling understanding that the starlight we are looking at is many light years away. In other words, we are looking at past events. From the present, we are looking at antiquity; we are receiving transmissions from the mind-bogglingly distant past. This speaks to us of a new relationship with time-space and multidimensional consciousness—a new form of mystical consciousness.
The Mayan Calendar suggests transformations of culture and the planet; it measures the relationship of our planet with the galaxy in which it lives and directs us to understand the galactic energy and consciousness that the Earth is absorbing.
The nature and the scale of the cycles in the Long Count calendar suggest endings and beginnings over a relatively short period, but not during the course of one day, and certainly not at one particular moment in time (11:11 GMT on 21 December 2012).
What I call the ‘2012 era’ began to emerge possibly 100 years ago. Its effects accelerated in the 1990s—as evidenced by many things, including the sudden and compulsive interest in the Mayans, their calendar and their culture; the advent of the Internet; globalization; and the upsurge of new economic powers. The ripples will continue for another two or three decades.
However, the epoch of fundamental change is upon us now. From my perspective and research, I must emphasize that this change is connected to human consciousness, culture and all that we presently see occurring in our society. The 2012 effect is the shift towards galactic consciousness and the very early stages of a beyond-Earth civilization, which means membership with a much larger community than we currently experience.

What does this mean to us?
The acceleration of change on all levels of society. The 2012 effect can perhaps best be understood in conjunction with the Enchantments of Life model, which maps the evolution of human consciousness—our personal and collective levels of reality. Individual and collective development is becoming increasingly interrelated.
We can portray the multileveled nature of human reality as a theatrical stage, with its cacophony of voices and its chaotic kaleidoscope of perception—or, we could say, its breathtaking diversity of frequencies. The 2012 shift is taking place on a much finer frequency than the current dominant paradigms—its voice is quiet. The loudest voice on the World Stage at the moment is the mainstream paradigm of materialism—the mainstream and its media do not really expect to see anything significant happening in 2012. However, it is on the finer frequencies, through the quiet voice of the World Stage, that the profound shift of the 2012 era can already be detected, at least partially.
So tune in and recognize that the multifrequency sound of the world has distinct levels of consciousness within it. You will then be able to navigate the information ocean and the different scripts arising. The 2012 awakening will filter down from the level of the Earth’s energy field through the lower levels of human reality, most noticeably after 2012—when the date will be all but forgotten by the media.
The 2012 effect is bringing the following issues to the surface: a planetary consciousness of immanence, a remembrance and harnessing of nature’s abundance and intelligence, the extraterrestrial presence, official disclosure of UFOs, easier access to and availability of telepathy and remote viewing, global governance and decentralized decision making, an open source economy, an integrated and adaptive global communications network, genetics and the convergence of technologies, dynamic whole systems sciences, the rewriting of history, interfaith religion, new diverse forms of local community, the ability to calibrate our energy field for healing and the synthesis of nutrients and, most importantly, the power of the human heart to intimately feel what is appropriate for each person.
The evolution of human consciousness is accelerating. This is not an entirely comfortable experience as it uncovers the inhibitors and blocks to our evolution on planetary, species, social and individual levels. The 2012 era is an evolutionary imperative to change the world, which will be felt and experienced for at least 10 to 20 years after the end-date itself. It is fair to say that the next decade will be an intense one, offering the human species a profound opportunity to shift consciousness and social values, as well as crucially reframe the context of human life to much larger scales of reality.

What does this mean to you?
The need to become more conscious of planetary issues and to recognize the power you have to be an agent for positive transformation.
The game is on; the stakes are being raised.
Do you need to change your life and become more conscious of your role in the world? What is your purpose and how does it relate to the issues you face right now? How does your life fit into the greater scheme of things?

Article by Laurence James Lucas

What’s At The Heart Of Divination

Divination is also referred to as fortune telling. Divination uses aspects of the supernatural to predict the future or give insight. There are many different forms of divination. Divination usually involves a ritual or other formal routine. This could involve the lighting of candles, chanting of incantations or burning of incense. Divination is a way to connect with the other side, which could be those who have passed away, spirits or holy beings.

Divination is a highly criticized practice. There are many people who believe that divination cannot be proven as real. They believe that since divination usually involves one person connecting with the other side that the person is simply scamming or faking the connection. Many skeptics believe that divination is merely tapping into the sub-conscious mind and not communicating with the other side at all. Still others believe that there is no connection at all and the person doing the divination is just saying whatever they believe people want to hear. Despite numerous attempts to prove critics wrong, there is still skeptics out there who will never believe in the supernatural abilities of those who practice divination.

Some of the more popular and best known forms of divination include the following:

Astrology- Using the positions of the planets, sun and moon in correspondence with time, date, location and the Zodiac to give insight into one’s life and future.

Tarot- The use of a 78 card deck that is laid out into spreads or patterns then read to look into one’s situation.

Palmistry- Reading the lines on ones hand to interpret their life path.

Rune Casting- The use of runes that are cast upon the ground or a cloth to tell a persons situation.

Channeling- Connecting with the other side, spirits, and delivering their messages.

Psychic/Intuition- Connecting with a spirit or other celestial being to deliver messages, can be used with other forms of divination.

Divination may be something that a person is born able to do. For others it is something to be learned. It is widely thought that every person has the ability to tap into the supernatural. It just takes time for some to learn how to do it.

Divination has been used for centuries. It is often looked at as evil or as something that is only done by those who do not believe in God. This is not true. Many religious activities often include divination style practices. Anything that brings a connection between a person and a celestial being, be it God, a Saint, an angel, is a form of divination.

Most divination is done in a proper setting. The area used for divination is only used for that purpose. Nothing else is done in that area. Many times there are alters or other things to honor the spirits that may be present. It is done in a manner that shows respect to those beings that are coming to help or send messages. For people that practice divination it is a very serious ritual.

Divination is something that requires great patience and dedication. It may take a person a long time in order to connect to a spirit and when they do it can tae even longer to understand the messages they may be sending. It is a process that should be done with the knowledge of how to do it properly. Many times people expect to see amazing things, like lights flickering, the person performing the divination to fall into a trance or something else spectacular. This is usually not how it happens, though. It is usually a rather peaceful process that happens almost naturally.
By: Marissa Moonwhisper             Article Source:

Healing the Present by Retrieving the Past

I attended a small workshop in a lovely old granite farmhouse in Jersey, Channel Islands. The workshop was facilitated by Henry Lee Bolduc from The Edgar Cayce Foundation in the USA. Many people have heard of Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, who while in a trance or meditative state was able to access a vast field of information which helped to diagnose people with illness and the medication they needed as well as advising and predicting events in the future. This information Cayce highlighted was available to all of us, if only we would calm our minds and let go of beliefs as to what is possible.

During this weekend, I was to experience my first past life regression and it was not very glamorous. Being a fair woman, I was shocked to see myself as a native African man, with big black feet. My conscious mind rejected this immediately and it took some time to be willing to go there again! However, during the years of 1993-1995, I again took the plunge, and after years of accelerated learning, studying and actively working on opening up, was able to access much more information. Some of it was incredible. I faced my fear of death, and was able to see the world’s in-between and understand the many challenges I had been facing in relationships. I saw the different roles we had all played out together in the form of karmic lessons in this lifetime. As a result, my view of these people changed, as I was able to forgive them, and see the other side of the story. Although I have studied and worked with many of the metaphysical and esoteric healing modalities all of my life, tome, past life regression is the most powerful and liberating of all of them. Past lives can be accessed through either a hypnotic meditative state. I facilitate my clients into this state using breathing techniques, guided visualisation and intention. Overtime, people are able to access or remember their past lives naturally, through meditation or sudden ‘insights or feelings’. I have learnt that feelings and      imagination are the way the soul communicates to us.

Many people ask, “what is the point of looking into the past when you have to deal with the present life and circumstances?’’ I have seen first-hand the incredible miracles that have occurred because of the leap of consciousness, and transformations to individuals lives and health as a result. Many religions (Hinduism, Bhuddism, etc.) believe in the concept of reincarnation, and past life regression can aid in personal growth and healing of people with psychological or physical problems, conscious and unconscious. Reliving or discovering previous experiences or traumas, a person can identify the origin of his/her problem, whether it is a phobia or a disability, Past life regression is helpful in many situations. For example, it can be used to treat phobias which seem to be unconnected to an experience in the current life; to help understand the dynamics of relationships (intimate and non-intimate); to help understand patterns which inexplicably occur in your life (emotional patterns, physical ailments, etc.); to help with trauma or other issues which you have faced in this life, or troubling behaviour and attitude patterns that have persisted over time, despite repeated attempts to change; and to help with illnesses and dis-eases that can be the result of a deeply rooted trauma from the past, i.e. those born with a certain illness or disability.

There are also many positive areas in which past life therapy can help as well. Rather than going after traumatic or troubling memories, they focus on positive experiences. Past life regression can be used to access strengths and accomplishments from prior lifetimes that can be brought forward to increase confidence and effectiveness in the present, or to help re-experience a happy, successful lifetime which can bring a sense of balance and peace when undergoing difficult times, fortifying us to work through our temporary difficulties. Prior lifetimes shared with current loved ones can also be accessed to bring a great sense of reassurance that we are indeed never parted from those we love.

Past life regression can be used to help clarify direction and life purpose by viewing our blueprint for this lifetime. It can also be helpful in accessing the wisdom, peace and guidance that are available from the spiritual realms between lifetimes, where our higher mind and/or guiding ones can assess our progress. This therapy can also be useful in strengthening the clarity of the spiritual nature of our existence.

Some of the most common reasons why people undergo past life regression are:

• Insecurity and fear of abandonment. This is often related to past life memories of literal abandonment, being orphaned,
being sold into slavery, being left to die in times of war or famine, or being separated from loved ones during a crisis.
• Depression and low energy. This can be the result of loss of loved ones, unfinished grieving, suicide memories, or despair as a result of war, imprisonment, massacre or deportation.
• Phobias and irrational fears. These may be caused by all kinds of trauma in a past life such as death by fire, water, suffocation, animals, knives, guns, and natural disasters.
• Guilt and martyr complexes. These commonly stem from past life memories of killing a loved one, sacrificing a child, ordering the death of others, or feeling responsible for the death of others. The deep-rooted belief is “it is all my fault.”
• Material insecurity and eating disorders. Past life memories of starvation, economic collapse, or inescapable poverty may manifest as anorexia, bulimia or obesity.
• Accidents, violence and physical brutality. This can include repetition of battlefield memories from warrior lives, unfulfilled quests for power, or love of adventure. Often this comes out during adolescence, as this is the time many young soldiers or freedom fighters lost their lives.
• Family Struggles. These may be past life scores to settle with parents, siblings and partners, involving betrayal, abuse of power, inheritance injustices and rivalries.
• Sexual difficulties and abuse. People with problems such as frigidity and impotence often have past life stories of rape, abuse or torture behind them. Even cases of incest and abuse may be re-runs of past life patterns where emotional release was blocked.
• Marital difficulties. These sometimes derive from past lives with the same mate in a different power, class or sexual role (e.g. slave and master).
• Chronic physical ailments. This especially includes those born with chronic physical ailments. Headaches and migraines are often associated with intolerable mental choices made in other lives. Throat pain or infections may be due to unspoken thoughts, or being forced to make false statements or confessions after torture, or death by hanging. Unexplained pain may be the result of old physical wounds that have been reactivated in the present due to circumstances from the past.

Very often we are brought into difficult situations to resolve that which has occurred in the past, or in a past life. When we realise that the victims of today have often been the persecutors of the past, our whole perception changes. We are offered the opportunities to transform our judgements, and prejudice towards others religions, gender, cultures and many other differences. When we see what our relationship has been to the enemies of today, and the challenging situation we sometimes find ourselves in, our worlds are lifted to great heights. Healing occurs on many levels and people are united. Two great recent examples of this are the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. An estimated 87,000 Tibetans were killed, arrested or deported to labour camps after the Chinese leader Mao Zedong invaded Tibet, yet when he died a few years later, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people prayed and sent him love. When Nelson Mandela – whose people had been killed, tortured and imprisoned – was released after 27 years, instead of seeking revenge on his oppressor, he united his people and Peace was the path chosen.

Unfortunately many people are unable to forgive. In order to forgive, you first have to validate your own experiences of the situation – that of pain, sadness, anger or whatever it may be. You first have to really state your own feelings about the situation and the loss of power, or choice you may not have had in that situation. This can take a while, depending on the degree of hurt and the history with the person or soul involved. Resentment affects your ability to trust, to love, to receive and to fully participate in life. The worst extreme, which I have seen many times, is illness and death. We are all hurt at times by people in life, but it doesn’t mean we still have to have a relationship with them. We can however live in freedom by releasing the chains that bind us to them, through forgiveness. By seeing other pieces of the puzzle, and by recognising that on one level we have chosen this experience for our soul’s growth, it can forever change our perceptions of the experience and of life. In time, we may also appreciate the people who have hurt us, for the gifts they have brought us, the personal changes we have made as a result, and the life that we now live with awareness and purpose.
Dellaina is a visionary therapist from Jersey, an island off the coast of France in Europe. Dellaina has been living and working in the fields of healing, channelling, self/spiritual development and facilitating groups for self and spiritual development since 1995 in Christchurch, New Zealand. She specialises in the treatment of cancer, trauma, emotional and physical healing and holds regular workshops and retreats mainly in and around New Zealand. For more information – Website: Dellainas Resource Page: Examples from Dellaina's practice:
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Lady Sarah and the Practice of the Threefold Flame

Welcome all.
Welcome, I am the ascended Lady Master Sarah, as I am known; although little is known about me. I represent the co-joined energies of dark and light, male and female, the androgynous, the whole of the complete. I also represent an ancient power, because although I am ascended, my purpose in my last life here on earth, was to embody that ancient power, just as the master Jesus embodied the power of the Christ consciousness, and the Magdalene embodied the Magdalene flame.
I am the ascended Lady master Sarah. She who was borne to the Master Jesus and The Magdalena, Mary Magdalene.

There are many who have not heard of me, who do not know me, and would not rationally believe in my existence if they did. These things do not matter. As a concept, I am truth; fusion of polarities that existed only outside the realms of matter until now.
And so, I have come to tell you of my news! That I am returned here once again, not in physical form, but through conduits, sources of energy, through the hearts of mankind, my light, my power is being given birth to on earth. This birth is happening as we speak, as you read these words, my love, my light, the power that I represent is manifesting onto the physical planes.

These are mysteries which are the Divine’s gift to you, mankind has paid heed to the call; lightworkers across the planet have worked and toiled, struggled and persevered, lifted their hearts and minds in love and joy, and the vibrational energy of the collective consciousness of humanity, and of the earth has risen enough that my arrival has been achieved.
But first, let me explain to you some of what this means.

My energy represents the fusion of and perfect balance between the Christ energy (male) and the Magdalene flame (female). I am these two energies combined to create a third and perfectly balanced, harmonious energy.

This energy has not been present on the earth plane before this moment. In my lifetime, I held the energy, which was borne, as I was from the sacred union between my parents. I was the receptacle for this perfect power, but was simply a vessel to hold the power, as it was not the time for this energy to be birthed upon the world.
Since that time, I have held the imprint of the energy within my soul’s pattern, so that one day, when the conditions had been sufficiently met, and all was in place, mankind and all of physical manifestation could be impregnated with this awesome power, through me, the conduit for this power.

This is my work then, to birth this power across the earth, as the Master Jesus held the Christ flame and my mother, Mary Magdalene birthed the Magdalene flame, so I hold this power, which I have called the threefold flame and I bring it to you, to all of physical manifestation.

The timing of this birthing has been designed to coincide with the coming of the Age of Aquarius, and is indeed the energy which will bring about the Age of Aquarius. This power which is being gifted to you is no small thing! Being gifted to you indeed it is, because now it is present upon the earth plane, it is present upon the earth grid, and so is freely available to all with intent to use it.

Open your hearts and breathe me in, I am there, already, lying dormant, waiting to be awakened. You can see my energy as the bright green of nature, the colour of spring, new leaves growing on the branches, abundant growth.
Indeed I am abundance in all its forms. Life itself flows through me. The power of divine abundance, is being brought now closer to matter. Not so much being high in the heavenly realms, where one can only pray and hope for abundance, but is being brought now, and seeded into the earth grid, into vortexes, and this work is being done by a number of individuals and groups around the world.

It is time to awaken, time to remember; you are not the consciousness of your body and your mind, they are the physical manifestation of you, each of you is the Divine, birthed into manifestation, given individual consciousness.
I have come to help you remember what you already know, to empower you to be the perfect and divine beings that you are.

The master Jesus, performed many miracles.
I am here to light up your hearts so you can perform those miracles yourself.
Remember who you are!

You are the Divine made manifest, the divine clothed in the wonders of matter.

I hold the power of life, I hold the power of life and all creation, and so do you. I have simply come to remind you of that which you already know, but have simply forgotten.
I hold the power of all life and all creation, and so do you!

The whole world, the whole universe has been waiting for this moment, and now it is here. I have come, I have come, I am here, I am here. All is well, all is well, all is well.

My power, my light, my love, will grow exponentially upon the earth in the years to come. If you like, you could liken me to the energy of Spring, for I have come to usher in a new era. A new beginning not just for humankind but all of existence. I am new beginnings, new hopes; my power will at seem at first to grow slowly but this is because in reality, enormous surges of power will be required to overcome the inertia of the old, of what has been, and help it to flow in a new way, to seek out new pathways.

You can, if you wish, help my flow to gather pace by calling on me, bringing my energy into you, breathing it into you and sending it out to the world, wherever you feel it has need. Or simply calling on me, and grounding me into the earth. And of course you can call on me to manifest in your own life. You can also use the ‘threefold flame’ chants which have been devised for you to connect more strongly within to the Christ, Magdalene and Sarah energies.

In wishing to empower you to be the perfect and divine beings that you are, my energy will help you grow ever towards your highest potential, your greatest possible brilliance at any given moment, your greatest capacity for love; in all things, from the smallest to the greatest act, thought or feeling.

There is much that I have come to teach you, much that I have to give, but for now, let it be enough for me to tell you that I am here, I have come.
Let your hearts sing and be proud at what you have achieved through the power of your own free will. I am here because of you! You are bringing about the age of Aquarius through your intent and free will. Jubilations to All!!

May love and blessings shower down upon the New Earth, created anew in each moment.

Blessed ones, I bring you the news, I am here, I am here, I am here.
Jubilations to all, I resound my joy in circles of power across the earth.
All is well, all is well, all is well.

Bright Blessings!
Lady Sarah.

The threefold flame

(Om Yea-soo Kris-teye-yah Pah-rahm-aht-mah-neh Poo-roo-shah Ah-vah-tahr-eye-yah
This mantra states that Jesus is a true world teacher, a presiding soul of all the souls, carrying the authority of the Divine. (from ‘Healing Mantras’, Thomas Ashley-Farrand)

(Om Mah-tah, Om Mah-Tah Magdalena, Mah-tah Jah-gah-dahm-bah)
Om mother, Om mother, salutations to the Magdalene, who is a mother to the world.

(Om Shree Sah-ra-yei Na-rah-yan-nee Na-moh-stoo-the)
Om and salutations to Sara, the three fold flame,
bestow upon us the highest blessings.
(the last mantra was inspirationally created by me, so I can’t account for it’s Sanskrit accuracy!!)

*if you find it helpful, you could imagine a triangle forming as you perform the mantras, with the Christ energy behind you and to your left, the Magdalene energy behind you and to your right, and Lady Sarah’s energy at the apex of the triangle, with you standing on the apex or slightly behind it, as you feel comfortable.

This exercise is used to create a fusion of the male and female qualities within us, and call forth the Sarah energy within us.

When practicing this,
I see the Christ energy as yellow, the Magdalene energy as pink, and Lady Sarah’s energy as a bright green.
The chant to the Magdalene, is calling on her in her aspect of being Sarah’s mother, and also as a mother to the world, as she is working to birth the Magdalene flame into humanity.
Lady Sarah’s energy is at the same time, her own individual energy, (which I see as green), and also the energy she has received from her parents, the Christ and the Magdalene. These three energies exist simultaneously as individual layers of light, (yellow, green and pink) but are also one. This is Sarah’s energy as the threefold flame.
Sarah is the catalyst that alchemizes the energies and brings them into manifestation onto the earth plane. She ‘makes it so’!
When invoking Lady Sarah’s energy, you can imagine an intensely focused laser beam of light blazing fearlessly forward from the apex of the triangle. This beam is forging straight forward and lighting the path ahead, taking you into your highest potential. In this aspect Lady Sarah’s energy is symbolizing the new age of Aquarius, supported from behind by all those who have gone before, and taking us (humanity) to our new levels of vibration, to our ascension and evolution.
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Lady Sarah Channeling 'The Centre of yourSelf'

By: Rachel Goodwin
Heart Chakra
Welcome all. I am the ascended lady master Sarah.
Today I have come to speak to you of the physical shells of which you inhabit and their entry way into the world.
Many of the worlds most spiritual religions have been dedicated to teaching how to cast off the body so as to liberate the spirit ‘trapped’ inside, to allow the soul to reside within ‘nirvana’, the higher spiritual dimensions.
Today I wish to speak to you of how the higher self can inhabit your physical body and become more nearly the way in which through you can be in contact with nirvana, in fact of all of creation, all of the time.
These are the mysteries I have come to teach.

Your body is your physical tool here on this earth, it is how you will effect change here on the physical planes. The ascended masters, the angels and archangels, all can assist and help from the realms within which we exist; we can gently persuade and create optimum conditions from within which the best possible chances for change and transformation can occur. But it is YOU that has the power to create the New Earth here in physical manifestation, and in so many more ways than you know.

At the point where heaven meets earth in your bodies, between the heart and solar plexus, so am I. I have come to reawaken that which lies dormant within yourselves, already my light, my love dances secretly across the earth, skipping and laughing that the miracles of life which are yourselves are beginning the long thaw to your spiritual spring.
And in my secret dance, I would whisper stories of hidden chakras, lying nestling under the snow, simply waiting for all to melt, so it can reveal its magnificence. Humanity…….creation is your birthright, and within you, you have the power to create, not just your own lives, but universe’s aswell.
At the point where heaven meets earth in your bodies, so I am. Here is the entry point to your souls, your higher Selves. Not high above you in some far away dimension, but here, right at the centre of yourselves. Here is all things, and no-thing, manifest and unmanifest creation. From here will New Humanity start to live, here at the centre of themSelves, at the centre of all things.

To assist you in your lives, you can call on me, my light, my love, by bringing your attention to me, to the balance point in between your heart centre and your solar plexus, at the Hrit Padma chakra. Breathe into this space, feel your awareness. BE here. Breathe into this space whenever ‘mind’ has taken over, and you need to re-connect with yourSelves.

Chant and call on me,
(Om Shree Sah-ra-yei Na-rah-yan-nee Na-moh-stoo-the)
Om and salutations to Sara, the three fold flame, bestow upon us the highest blessings
Say to yourself, as you breathe into yourSelf, ‘I am here, I am at the centre of myself, 
I am in the moment, in the Now, at the centre of all things, I am here.’

You are upon your mission to become more of who you are, a nara-narayani, your higher self here in full manifestation upon the earth.
The most powerful truths are often the most simple, and yet can be the most complicated to explain, for now let it suffice to say, that if you wish to live more from your divine self, using the precious resource of your physical body, then this simple breathing exercise can help you achieve this goal, through out your daily life.

Blessings be upon you all, beauteous web of light spread across the earth. Blessed are you that these secrets are being revealed to you now, use them well, embrace them into your own lives, contemplate upon the profound truths which are being given to you now. Do not search for cleverness and complicated sophistications; these are not truths to be understood by your minds, but wisdoms which can only be felt in the truth of your hearts.
Allow yourselves to practice being at the centre of yourSelves, and watch the magickal mysteries of your lives unfold before you.
And remember, at the centre of yourSelves, there you will find me.
Blessings, Blessings, Blessings, Namaste my beautiful ones, Namaste. All is well.

Rachel runs a monthly group, “Raising the New Earth’ which guided by Lady Sarah’s teachings endeavours to assist with the ascension of humanity and of the earth. Rachel is a channel & healer working with the ascended masters, angelic & elemental kingdoms, & is a qualified hypnotherapist & nurse
© Rachel Goodwin 2007
To receive Rachel's monthly newsletter with more channellings and tips for ascension practices, you can email 'subscribe' to you can also see further info by looking at the pages on to find out more about Lady Sarah, see the channelling 'Lady Sarah and the practice of the threefold flame'
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Understanding The Truth Of Healing Crystal

For something so apparently straightforward healing crystals evoke confusion very easily. In this article we look at how crystal healing really works, and how you can get started.

Healing crystals and Shiva Lingham stones have been used increasingly in a number of healing therapies, from stress, depression and mood related problems to physical concerns such as headaches, backaches and muscular problems, and even serious illnesses and diseases. But how does crystal healing work, why do so many people use it, and vouch for its success, and what should you look out for when considering purchasing healing crystals or Shiva Lingham stones yourself?

If you’ve ever wandered near a television or loudspeaker with a mobile phone, especially as you’re calling someone or sending a text message, you’ll know the alarming sounds picked up. This is just one example of the powerful signals, vibrations and energies passing through the air, and through our bodies, each and every single moment. Many of these signals, such as those transmitted by television companies or radio broadcasters, are harmless. There are arguments and concerns that mobile phone transmitters and electrical power lines may cause mood swings, periods of depression and other illnesses, but what is clear is that unseen vibrational energy is not simply very real, but something we accept, live with, and realise has a significant effect on our well-being.

It has long been known that crystals have special properties, and as each type of crystal has a different vibrational property, each contributes different vibrational energy, and different health benefits. But this in itself is not the whole story, because one cannot discuss crystal healing without at the same time taking into account the importance of the aura.

Much has been written about auras, but one aspect of the aura in particular is its vibrational properties. Different areas or aspects of the aura pulse or vibrate at specific rates. One of the ways in which psychic healers identify areas of the body which may be unwell, restricted or diseased is by detecting vibrational discrepancies. But how does this tie in which healing crystals?

Imagine throwing two stones in a pond. The waves from each spread out, until they meet. Depending upon the weight of the stones and the depth of the water, when these ripples meet, they may either cancel each other out, creating a calmer surface, or they may create much more powerful waves. By placing the right kind of healing stone against a part of the body which needs healing, strength, support or calming, the vibrational energies of the crystals and the aura should help to create a calmer pattern, with the crystal helping the aura to recover and strengthen.

But it is not the case that any old crystal will do. Just as the slight variation of size, weight, shape and density of a stone may create different ripples on the water’s surface, so crystals will give out vibrations at varying frequencies, and in various strengths. There are ways in which crystals can be helped in giving out their vibrational energy smoothly and cleanly – and there are ways in which it can be stifled. For example, crystals encased in metals will have almost no effect, and so healing crystals sold with metal clasps or mounts will have reduced effect.

Within the space of this article it isn’t possible to run through the many ways in which healing crystals and Shiva Lingham stones can be used, and in any case there’s much debate as to the best ways to use them. But one thing is clear, and that is that by having crystals close to the skin, and using them within a healing ceremony or meditative experience a very great deal of good has been known to occur. Many people swear by healing crystals either as part of a holistic remedy, or as the sole means by which pain relief or healing occurs.

From dog bites to headaches, people have used the powerful energies within Shiva Lingham stones and healing crystals, with much evidence to suggest that healing takes place more quickly. Clearly it is always preferable to use a natural remedy such as crystals or stones to cure a headache than to force chemicals and drugs into our body. To take drugs is often akin to pulling the plug out of the lake to stop the ripples, or freezing the surface! Much better is to create soothing ripples or vibrations which work in tune with our body’s natural harmonics to calm and heal any damage or problem.

Conventional medicines do not always work, and there are some illnesses or conditions which simply can’t be treated with conventional medicines. Complementary healing using healing crystals or Shiva Lingham stones can do wonders for restoring calm, strengthening and energising the body and improving ailments or conditions which are troubling the body. Ancient, tactile, beautiful and energising – healing crystals have a great deal to offer.

Faith Lamb has long been fascinated by various New Age and Paranormal subjects. For more information on Faith and her interests you can visit her New Age Shop, Moonrust. Faith also runs the Moonrust Forum, where like minded people can discuss New Age lifestyles and ideas.
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