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Healing the Present by Retrieving the Past

I attended a small workshop in a lovely old granite farmhouse in Jersey, Channel Islands. The workshop was facilitated by Henry Lee Bolduc from The Edgar Cayce Foundation in the USA. Many people have heard of Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, who while in a trance or meditative state was able to access a vast field of information which helped to diagnose people with illness and the medication they needed as well as advising and predicting events in the future. This information Cayce highlighted was available to all of us, if only we would calm our minds and let go of beliefs as to what is possible.

During this weekend, I was to experience my first past life regression and it was not very glamorous. Being a fair woman, I was shocked to see myself as a native African man, with big black feet. My conscious mind rejected this immediately and it took some time to be willing to go there again! However, during the years of 1993-1995, I again took the plunge, and after years of accelerated learning, studying and actively working on opening up, was able to access much more information. Some of it was incredible. I faced my fear of death, and was able to see the world’s in-between and understand the many challenges I had been facing in relationships. I saw the different roles we had all played out together in the form of karmic lessons in this lifetime. As a result, my view of these people changed, as I was able to forgive them, and see the other side of the story. Although I have studied and worked with many of the metaphysical and esoteric healing modalities all of my life, tome, past life regression is the most powerful and liberating of all of them. Past lives can be accessed through either a hypnotic meditative state. I facilitate my clients into this state using breathing techniques, guided visualisation and intention. Overtime, people are able to access or remember their past lives naturally, through meditation or sudden ‘insights or feelings’. I have learnt that feelings and      imagination are the way the soul communicates to us.

Many people ask, “what is the point of looking into the past when you have to deal with the present life and circumstances?’’ I have seen first-hand the incredible miracles that have occurred because of the leap of consciousness, and transformations to individuals lives and health as a result. Many religions (Hinduism, Bhuddism, etc.) believe in the concept of reincarnation, and past life regression can aid in personal growth and healing of people with psychological or physical problems, conscious and unconscious. Reliving or discovering previous experiences or traumas, a person can identify the origin of his/her problem, whether it is a phobia or a disability, Past life regression is helpful in many situations. For example, it can be used to treat phobias which seem to be unconnected to an experience in the current life; to help understand the dynamics of relationships (intimate and non-intimate); to help understand patterns which inexplicably occur in your life (emotional patterns, physical ailments, etc.); to help with trauma or other issues which you have faced in this life, or troubling behaviour and attitude patterns that have persisted over time, despite repeated attempts to change; and to help with illnesses and dis-eases that can be the result of a deeply rooted trauma from the past, i.e. those born with a certain illness or disability.

There are also many positive areas in which past life therapy can help as well. Rather than going after traumatic or troubling memories, they focus on positive experiences. Past life regression can be used to access strengths and accomplishments from prior lifetimes that can be brought forward to increase confidence and effectiveness in the present, or to help re-experience a happy, successful lifetime which can bring a sense of balance and peace when undergoing difficult times, fortifying us to work through our temporary difficulties. Prior lifetimes shared with current loved ones can also be accessed to bring a great sense of reassurance that we are indeed never parted from those we love.

Past life regression can be used to help clarify direction and life purpose by viewing our blueprint for this lifetime. It can also be helpful in accessing the wisdom, peace and guidance that are available from the spiritual realms between lifetimes, where our higher mind and/or guiding ones can assess our progress. This therapy can also be useful in strengthening the clarity of the spiritual nature of our existence.

Some of the most common reasons why people undergo past life regression are:

• Insecurity and fear of abandonment. This is often related to past life memories of literal abandonment, being orphaned,
being sold into slavery, being left to die in times of war or famine, or being separated from loved ones during a crisis.
• Depression and low energy. This can be the result of loss of loved ones, unfinished grieving, suicide memories, or despair as a result of war, imprisonment, massacre or deportation.
• Phobias and irrational fears. These may be caused by all kinds of trauma in a past life such as death by fire, water, suffocation, animals, knives, guns, and natural disasters.
• Guilt and martyr complexes. These commonly stem from past life memories of killing a loved one, sacrificing a child, ordering the death of others, or feeling responsible for the death of others. The deep-rooted belief is “it is all my fault.”
• Material insecurity and eating disorders. Past life memories of starvation, economic collapse, or inescapable poverty may manifest as anorexia, bulimia or obesity.
• Accidents, violence and physical brutality. This can include repetition of battlefield memories from warrior lives, unfulfilled quests for power, or love of adventure. Often this comes out during adolescence, as this is the time many young soldiers or freedom fighters lost their lives.
• Family Struggles. These may be past life scores to settle with parents, siblings and partners, involving betrayal, abuse of power, inheritance injustices and rivalries.
• Sexual difficulties and abuse. People with problems such as frigidity and impotence often have past life stories of rape, abuse or torture behind them. Even cases of incest and abuse may be re-runs of past life patterns where emotional release was blocked.
• Marital difficulties. These sometimes derive from past lives with the same mate in a different power, class or sexual role (e.g. slave and master).
• Chronic physical ailments. This especially includes those born with chronic physical ailments. Headaches and migraines are often associated with intolerable mental choices made in other lives. Throat pain or infections may be due to unspoken thoughts, or being forced to make false statements or confessions after torture, or death by hanging. Unexplained pain may be the result of old physical wounds that have been reactivated in the present due to circumstances from the past.

Very often we are brought into difficult situations to resolve that which has occurred in the past, or in a past life. When we realise that the victims of today have often been the persecutors of the past, our whole perception changes. We are offered the opportunities to transform our judgements, and prejudice towards others religions, gender, cultures and many other differences. When we see what our relationship has been to the enemies of today, and the challenging situation we sometimes find ourselves in, our worlds are lifted to great heights. Healing occurs on many levels and people are united. Two great recent examples of this are the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. An estimated 87,000 Tibetans were killed, arrested or deported to labour camps after the Chinese leader Mao Zedong invaded Tibet, yet when he died a few years later, the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people prayed and sent him love. When Nelson Mandela – whose people had been killed, tortured and imprisoned – was released after 27 years, instead of seeking revenge on his oppressor, he united his people and Peace was the path chosen.

Unfortunately many people are unable to forgive. In order to forgive, you first have to validate your own experiences of the situation – that of pain, sadness, anger or whatever it may be. You first have to really state your own feelings about the situation and the loss of power, or choice you may not have had in that situation. This can take a while, depending on the degree of hurt and the history with the person or soul involved. Resentment affects your ability to trust, to love, to receive and to fully participate in life. The worst extreme, which I have seen many times, is illness and death. We are all hurt at times by people in life, but it doesn’t mean we still have to have a relationship with them. We can however live in freedom by releasing the chains that bind us to them, through forgiveness. By seeing other pieces of the puzzle, and by recognising that on one level we have chosen this experience for our soul’s growth, it can forever change our perceptions of the experience and of life. In time, we may also appreciate the people who have hurt us, for the gifts they have brought us, the personal changes we have made as a result, and the life that we now live with awareness and purpose.
Dellaina is a visionary therapist from Jersey, an island off the coast of France in Europe. Dellaina has been living and working in the fields of healing, channelling, self/spiritual development and facilitating groups for self and spiritual development since 1995 in Christchurch, New Zealand. She specialises in the treatment of cancer, trauma, emotional and physical healing and holds regular workshops and retreats mainly in and around New Zealand. For more information – Website: Dellainas Resource Page: Examples from Dellaina's practice:
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