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How to use a pendulum to channel yes and no answers...


Simply put, Channeling is the process of accessing higher energies and then translating impulses of information into your language. These higher energies (also known as “Astute” * Energies) can be identified as God, Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, or Higher Soul-Selves. The Higher Soul-Self is the soul’s true divine essence, literally the part of the soul that is not encumbered by this physical reality. When we Channel, our intention is to reach through the multiple layers of Ego and to access Astute Energy from one’s Higher
Soul-Self, from God or from other Astute Entities.

Guess what? You already know how to Channel! Everyone Channels all of the time. We are connected by a universal source (God) and pull in divine information constantly without consciously knowing it. In its most obvious form it is known as inspiration or intuition. We are all souls inhabiting physical bodies and as such we all have the ability to commune openly with our Higher Soul-Selves. However, somewhere along the way in our human development we collectively forgot that we could exist, in these physical bodies, experience what we came here to experience, and still have the benefit of divine influence. Somewhere along the way we buried this in our subconscious. You can take it back! It is your birthright! When you make a conscious effort to “tune-in to” or Channel the Higher Energies, you become more consciously receptive to receiving them. It is like opening the valve on a garden hose and allowing clear, cool water to wash through you. It feels wonderful to bask in divine energy and the very act of recognizing that these divine energies not only exist, but are also available to you, elevates you and speeds up the process. When you Channel, you allow Astute Energy in just by participating in it!

Location - Choose a location where you will typically do your Channeling. It can be any table or desk in a quiet space in your home. It is not necessary but feel free to add candles, crystals, devotional items or anything else you desire. You can actually Channel anytime, anyplace. The energy is in YOU. However, establishing a routine helps to set the energy in motion.
Pendulum – Prior to the first use of the Pendulum, cleanse the natural crystal. This can be done easily by holding it in your hands and allowing tap water to run over it for a few minutes. (It is best to think joyful, elevated thoughts while doing this.) Pat the crystal dry with a soft cloth and it is ready to use. A ROSE QUARTZ pendulum is common for the vibrational frequency of Love and heart energy. You can use any kinds of crystal pendulum you wish.
It is highly recommended that you take a few minutes to center yourself before beginning your Channeling.  This will help you communicate more easily with the higher energies. Meditate or relax with a few deep, cleansing breaths. Address your guides, thank them for joining you and ask for guidance and protection.
Sit comfortably. Place both elbows on the table.  Hold the pendulum in one or two hands by the end of the chain so that the crystal hangs directly above the black circle in the center of the board. There should be 6-8 inches of chain hanging from your hand to the crystal. The crystal should hang about a half inch to an inch above the board without touching the board. This is your Neutral Position.
YES and NO
First, establish what your signal will be for “Yes” and “No”. These will either be a vertical and horizontal swinging of the pendulum or a clockwise and counterclockwise circle. Ask to be shown what your signal is for “Yes”. Your pendulum will start to move. Observe the swinging motion. When a definite pattern is established, that is your “Yes” indicator. Stop the crystal, hold it over the middle again and ask to be shown your signal for “No”. It should swing in the opposite direction from the “Yes” signal. Do this a few times until you are certain. Most people find they initially have the vertical and horizontal lines. After a while the swing will become more elliptical and turn into a clockwise/counterclockwise indicator.
Next, practice with questions that can only be answered by “Yes” or “No”. Start each question fresh, hold the pendulum very still in the center of the board and ask your question. It might take a while to respond, just relax and let the energy flow. Practice this for several sessions until you feel comfortable with the technique and the answers are easily interpreted.

Time, space and dimension are not the same here as they are for those you Channel. For this reason Channeling about specific dates and times is not advisable.
Also, when you are emotionally invested in the outcome of a Channeling, your Ego can influence the message.
Making life-altering decisions based on these Channelings is not advised.
* Channeling does not replace the advise of medical, legal or other Professionals.

That will get you started! For more info visit our site:

How to Interpret 10/10/10 aka 10-10-10; Sunday, October 10, 2010. And a Metaphysics Experiment.

How to Interpret 10/10/10 aka 10-10-10; Sunday, October 10, 2010. And a Metaphysics Experiment.

How to Cleanse Pendulums and Stone Energies...

amethyst pendulum
Amethyst is a healing,
calming, spiritual stone.
"Periodically cleansing the energy in your pendulum, divination and/or healing stones will make them responsive and bring out their full potential."

Have you ever tried to use a pendulum and gotten frustrated because it was sluggish or even erratic? Well maybe it just needed a good energy cleansing.

Many pendulums are created with crystals, stones, and natural gemstones. These absorb whatever energy is around them and can hold on it for a long time. You will get the best results from your pendulum if it has only your energy to work with - so it's really a good idea to cleanse it before using the first time (and then occasionally thereafter as you feel necessary).
Over time, natural stones and crystals pick up and store the energies they encounter, both positive and negative. In most cases the energy stored in your pendulum is very beneficial, but if there's a build up of negativity or old energy in the stones, it can interfer with its effectiveness. It’s recommended that you periodically cleanse your pendulums, and in fact, all of your healing stones and crystals.
There are dozens of ways to cleanse stone energies, but I've limited my recommendations to those that are completely safe for all stones and for sterling silver. If you've read much about energy cleansing, you've no doubt come across methods that employ sea salts and/or liquids. Though effective at cleansing energies, these methods can corrode sterling and damage certain types of natural stones (see note at the bottom of this page). There are other reliable, easy, effective methods that don't have these risks. Here they are:

1. Gentle Energy Cleansing Kit

Energy cleansing made easy - This is my simply system that employs natural energy cleansing methods - the power of citrine and written intent.

2. Smudging

Light a smudge stick (it can be dried white sage and/or other herbs, or cedar) or you can use your favorite incense. Blow out the flame and pass pendulum or crystal through the fragrant smoke slowly - at least four times.

3. Cleansing Crystals

Citrine is a self-cleansing stone that also cleanses other stones. Put pendulum or crystal in a pouch or container with citrine and leave undisturbed for 24 hours. When cleansed, carnelian and selenite both carry the ability to cleanse other stones. Put pendulum or crystal in a pouch or container with cleansed carnelian or on a slab of selenite and leave undisturbed for 24 hours.

4. Crystal Cluster "Baskets"

Place pendulum or crystal on a cleansed crystal cluster or "basket". Let it rest there for several hours.

5. Brown Rice

Fill a small can or bowl with dry brown rice. A round grain is preferable to long grain. Submerge your pendulum or stone under the surface. Let rest for 24 hours.

6. Sunlight

Place pendulum or crystal in direct sunlight for up to 4 hours, morning or late sun is best (avoid noon day if it's overly bright or hot). Please note - some crystals fade quickly if exposed to direct sunlight. Do not use this method on fluorite or amethyst as they will lose their color.

7. Moonlight

Unlike sunlight, moonlight is safe for all stones. Place pendulum or crystal on a windowsill during a full moon and let it sit overnight.

8. Ho'oponopono

Hold your pendulum or crystal in your hands and say this phrase several times: "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." This phrase conveys the power of Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing art that essentially means "make it right". Ho'oponopono is used to cleanse and restore balance and provide an immediate sense of peace and relaxation. It is traditionally used to repair relationships and rebuild family harmony - but written or spoken, Ho'oponopono can be used for any type of healing or cleansing and it is excellent for blessing pendulums and crystals.

9. Visualize Cleansing Light

Hold your pendulum or crystal in your hands or place in front of you on a table. Visual beautiful, cleansing, healing white light or golden light surrounding the stone and washing through it making it fresh and clean.

After cleansing, then charge with fresh positive energy

After your pendulum or crystal is cleansed, you may also want to “recharge” it. Recharging puts beneficial positive energy back into the stones. To recharge, you can use therapeutic sound, light, blessings, or even your own physical touch. If trained in Reiki, you can recharge your pendulum and crystals with Reiki energy and/or symbols making them nimble and responsive.
Some cautions about salts and water: I don't recommend cleansing with salts of any kind because salt is a corrosive and it will damage sterling silver. Additionally, there are certain stones that don't do well with salt. Rather than memorize which are safe and which aren't, I recommend simply avoiding it. I also caution against using water as a cleansing method because some crystals do not fare well if wet. Selenite for example, will turn cloudy if it gets wet and it may stay that way for a long time (or forever). Also, placing sterling silver into a water bath can hasten its natural oxidation process.


The Path of Light and Happines

By: Ramaathis-Mam

Channeled by: Ramaathis-Mam

To the divine light of your being divine flooding and gives life to your body expressing in time and space of evolution Sananda honor and loves you for being what you are and always have been and you will be: Sons of the Creator designed to serve and love unconditionally.

Dear brothers of the universe today I have the opportunity to interact with all of you to inject in your life and evolution in the light of the transformation. Without change there is no life or evolution because everything gets stagnant and disintegrates as an expression of nature reactionary of matter. The universe is a mechanism designed by God with the aim of reintegrating those beings who have split from the flow of love and divine service. The universe itself is the scenario in which experienced varying degrees of development through the expansion of spiritual awareness. Awareness is the projection of your Divine Presence reflecting its existence via virtual reality or projections shadow of ego. Why the Essential Being experience the dark or disassociation of the Divine Source? Because its conscience overshadows creating a misperception of the reality that hides the presence of the Creator that at each instant feels love and compassion for those living in the shadows of unconsciousness.

The path of light and happiness is the path of everlasting of the Being that seeks to fully integrate with the divine to arouse great power with which God has endowed it that is to love and be loved unconditionally. The shadow state of existence is when such a function of intrinsic of love and be happy becomes obstructed by projections of mental ego that vibrates in the juncture of coldness and unhappiness. Although constantly y are seeking happiness in various ways you are not aware that your conception is wrong and thus your efforts end over time in frustration and failure. One can not be happy escaping from the light. You are not aware that your experience in general terms are projections shadows of ego which oversees the scene through the mind and negative emotions.

Happiness is not something alien to your consubstantial nature as beings of immortal light but it is your very essence and therefore pressed incessantly your life and evolution. Light is a synonym of awakening and understanding that have been designed to love and work with the divine plan of evolution that is to regain your eternal and immortal status. Yet did not yet understand that your origin is divine and that you are in the worlds of virtual reality to rectify your insurrection attitude towards God, the universe and the evolution. Being happy is natural for the being because it is a most important attribute of divinity and as we are parts of the Creator is part of our divine essence.

The path of light is the attitude of surrender and acceptance of the divine aims that are based on the dissolution of ego and the expansion of feeling of love and divine service. This implies to get rid of all that impedes your spiritual growth and the dissolution of ego that is hidden behind the masks of self-deception, manipulation and individual an collectively psycho-emotional exploitation. When the spiritual sensitivity is awaken is when the Being begins to receive the light of the transformation to regain its status immortal and divine. Immortality is not a utopia but a reality inherent to the Essential Being that constantly debated in the shadows of ego trapped in desires and thoughts harmful and destructive.

Healing your soul or divine consciousness must be the priority of your life because it is injecting energy into your thoughts, words and actions. Now you are sailing in the mists of false concepts that come from the ego to keep you trapped in the labyrinth of decay and suffering. The path of light is the path of the resurrection and the incorporation of the parameters of spiritual evolution aimed at the ascent of your Being, and the return to divine origin. Happiness is part of the path of the light because both coexist simultaneously. If there was no light or knowledge of your identity divine you will project in virtual realities that are based on concepts, perceptions and erroneous and harmful attitudes. The happiness that sometimes you experiment is relative because it depends on circumstances and specific time. In fact you do not know what is happiness because your energy is channeled toward the dissolution of all that produce you grief and suffering. Happiness is a state of being that had nothing to do with objects, places, people, time or circumstances, but occurs as a result of the connection with your Divine Presence and with God.

Happiness is not for seeking, because do not exists outside, this is a misconception of ego and the mind. Happiness comes inside you when you are understand that you are immortal, divine and eternal and that neither time nor circumstances can damage your spiritual integrity. You are souls wandering in a false darkness that you have created to forget the light that you are that so much scare and anguish you. Being happy is natural but your attitude and conception of happiness is artificial because identify it with the acquisition, manipulation and control of objects, people and circumstances. When you are in the dark only perceive your mind and ego that fear their own shadows and are powerless to be diluted even they are its creators. The path of light is the mechanism for the acquisition of spiritual knowledge that allows you to detect and dilute the shadows of ego that are responsible for your conflict and suffering. The more you seek happiness more will evade you because that attitude is a reflection of the desire to control and generate something that only emanates from the divine level when you are in tune with it.

The path of light is the path of meeting again with your Divine Presence that remains disconnected from the world of the mind and ego in which usually you live. You walk between the shadows of egocentrism that projected confusion, fear, anxiety and frustration in your life. The more you are struggling to evade the circumstances that are a projection of God's plan of evolution the more you grow apart of happiness of acceptance and understanding that everything is perfect. The universe and the Divinity are supporting constantly your processes of evolution, but as you do not have the perception and proper attitude you interfere and generates conflict.

Your Being is pervaded by eternal life pressing all states of cosmic evolution that you are going discovering when you surrender to the intentions of the Creator. The path of the light is to understand that you are divine service units to expand the creative power of God and vibrate in the love of selfless love for peace and harmony in your life. When you seek the happiness of others you are creating an endless source of prosperity, harmony and inner peace. Being happy is not a mental or emotional excitement, but a sense of harmony and communion with God knowing and integral partner in the dance of cosmic evolution.

Every day you walk the sidewalks of ego that are rugged and dangerous and generating exhaustion and loss of spiritual vision. You are very active looking for happiness which is a reflection and projection of your identification with the physical body and mind that are volatile and susceptible of corruption. You walk among your fellow human beings as strange and distant that only pursuing the demands of egocentrism and producing separation, resentment and frustration. You walk in the darkness of mind that deviates you from the connection with your Divine Presence and with the flow of life and evolution. You are roaming aimlessly by the labyrinths of duality because you forgot your divine origin that is beyond space and universal time. You live in the shadows of ego that drags you to experience the decadence and corruption of your immortal and divine essence. You have agreed with the shadows of ego to experience a fleeting happiness that leaves a sediment of bitterness and disappointment in your life.

You are divine emanations wandering in the mythical worlds of evolution in an attempt to experience what you are not. You are light but living from the darkness of ego that thrives on separation, aggressiveness and exploitation. Why been light lived in the shadow of ego? For personal choice and forget your divine nature that is the source of connection with the happiness and love that emanate from God. It is a state of insubordination towards life and the laws of love and divine service thinking that in this way you will be happy. But time and circumstances constantly demonstrate you otherwise. The path of light is the path of unconditional surrender to divine intentions, where love and harmony are the elements of a transaction. You are subjected to the demands of ego and the mind that constantly harass you with all sorts of proposals of control, manipulation and exploitation of life and evolution.

If you follow the path of light will experience the joy of being part of the universe and of God flowing in a fountain of wisdom and spiritual evolution ad infinitum. Being happy is to be aware that you are beyond the jurisdiction of time, space and circumstances that only interact with the ego and the mind. You must understand that you were born to discover this great purpose of resurrection you yearn Essential Being when connecting with the path of the light that leads to God. Now and always you are light walking the light that sometimes perceive as shadows, because you fear to accept that you are divine and immortal. Only then you will be happy and you will discover that happiness and you are one and indivisible when vibrating in the tessitura of service and unconditional love. This is the message that Sananda transmit you so that your essences capture light and the love that I have printed on it. You are all very loved by my me, children of the universe and of the divine light of the Creator.
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The Spiritual Maturity...

The Spiritual Maturity

By: Ramaathis-Mam
The Spiritual Maturity
Canalized by: Ramaathis-Mam
11 January, 2008

That the light of the divine spheres love penetrate deep into your heart and invade it of harmony and peace.

To walk on the path of spiritual ascent must be discernment and introspection to analyze what is expected of such a transformation process. Most operators of light are not aware of the wishes hidden that under the mask of spirituality sabotage their life and journey of spiritual elevation. Many people addressed the spiritual life as a device to resolve their labor, physical, mental, psychological problems and obtain better quality of life. Due to ignorance and misinformation, take refuge in all sorts of techniques and processes that are supposed to give them happiness that so much are hankering for and do not get through conventional methods that supply the system.

Depending on the level of evolution that one has it vibrates in a certain frequency that attracts ideologies, concepts, values and processes that supposedly produce a comprehensive welfare on the individual. But if we make an objective assessment of the situation in the world of spirituality we can detect a lot of confusion, conflict and disagreement. Although each individual is in a specific stage of evolution, there are universal factors that are common at all levels of evolution. The problem of the techniques and procedures for spiritual growth, which now abound in your world, is that limit the person blocking its spiritual progress. All methodologies and processes are mechanisms that must promote the spiritual growth of individuals to bring them to the pinnacle of perfection, which is recover immortality and return to the level of divine love and selfless service. There are many spiritual schools, and each one of them thinks that has the monopoly of the spiritual ascent, when actually are partial expressions of a specific level of evolution.

Discernment and introspection are two essential tools for those who are interested in advancing spiritually. Without discernment we can not know the level of evolution in which one is neither the procedure for moving up the ladder of spiritual evolution. The introspection helps us understand what our spiritual cracks that keep us stuck in the process of repeating mistakes. Everything in the universe is interconnected because it emanated from the same divine source, and as a result, there is a process to tune it. The spiritual maturity implies understand which is the aim of life as a axiomatic truth in the universe, that is to develop the selfless service attitude as a device of connection with Divinity.

Spiritual maturity implies to know our limitations and conditionings in order not to fall prey to the spiritual egocentrisms that generate all kinds of crises and conflicts that end destroying us. When you go into the regions of the divine must be aware that walk along a path unknown to you and that is beyond your comprehension and control. Many people think through their intellectual mental and physical capacities can enter and dominate planes of spiritual evolution. It is important that you understand that the world of the divine spheres is a level much higher than your intellect, reasoning and sensory capacities. These are the worlds in which live those who have developed the spirit of service and unconditional surrender to the divine intentions. Are you willing to that or your interests vibrate at the level of egocentrism seeking optimal conditions of existence so they satisfy your egos? Many people join all kinds of schools, groups and spiritual movements with the aim of improving their living conditions, unaware that this has nothing to do with the spiritual metamorphosis. Spiritual maturity implies questioned what is the purpose of life and what it seeks when practised meditation, altruism, therapies personal growth, relaxation, and so on. In reality, what you are looking for with all this is a psycho-emotional and physical well-being instead of going in the path of inner transformation that is challenging and painful because it violates and questions your egos.

Being mature means to be honest with oneself and see how far are you willing to give up all that hampers your spiritual growing. The bad habits are still present in many light operators thinking that this does not affect their spiritual sensibility. The separatists and exclusivist concepts only create conflict and confusion in many people due to ignorance and spiritual fragility that end disappointed about spirituality. Sincerity must be present to accept the mistakes, limitations and ambitions that prevent you to give up the ideas and mental speculations that are projections of the ego that sweeten and nourish your life. When you have a certain level of spiritual maturity, one questions anything that does not encourage the detachment toward relationships that do not create spiritual bonds, but negative and emotional anchors. Those who already have some connection with the divine level are the ones who stand out for their work in personal transformation utilizing the appropriate mechanisms to do so. These are people who have developed the universal vision of life and accepting those tools that contribute to the expansion of consciousness and spiritual growth.

When one is sailing in the spiritual maturity feels the need to take off all conceptual, ideological, emotional and psychological ballast that obstruct the connection with the divine source. The universe, as an emanation of the creative power of God, has been created for the purpose of arousing the spirit of service and unconditional cooperation with the divine plan of cosmic evolution. Everything else is secondary aspects that pollute and overshadow your perception of reality as divine service units designed to work together and vibrate in tune with God. Spiritual maturity is the power with which the Divine has given us to understand that we are small divine particles sailing in the ocean of unfathomable cosmic evolution. This feeling generates a spiritual sensitivity that strengthens the consciousness of being part of the creative power of God, who manifests its magnificence and compassion within each creature.

Spiritual maturity is a state of self-observation that covers all aspects of the individual that interfere with the flow of spiritual transformation. What you are willing to do to change your discordant behaviors, harmful habits, misconceptions and conflicting and belligerent attitudes? When one has spiritual maturity, compassion and respect for those who do not vibrate in harmony with the laws of life and evolution is manifested through the warmth, acceptance and lack of criticism. When it vibrates in a tessitura of spiritual maturity the life is perceived as a relentless flow of divine grace that is guiding from anonymity and love, our processes of evolution. It is to admit that without the guidance and protection of God everything is full of darkness and confusion, ending in the abyss of self-destruction and spiritual decadence.

Spiritual maturity is been develop when you understand that, despite the personal effort, you are still anchored and the shadows of ego and you ask for the divine grace to guide you and help you to transmute it. Patience, perseverance and determination are tools of spiritual evolution that are par of the spiritual maturity, that activate and transmute those aspects of your life that are mistaken. The honor and adherence to the codes of spiritual metamorphosis is something that you have forgotten and that is the essence of the spiritual warrior that is vibrating in the spiritual maturity. The personal improvement is another important element of the spiritual maturity that generates inspiration, strength and understanding when you are trapped in the spiritual crisis. When you develop the spiritual vision of life, you transcend the ego barriers that catalogue and evaluate all, because you understand that everything obeys the purpose of the cosmic evolution and you are the promoters of it.

Every time you face the challenges of life with integrity and transforming spirit you are developing spiritual maturity. When adversity of the circumstances hit you psychologically and emotionally, and accept them as part of your transformation and divine grace, you strengthen the spiritual maturity. When you are caught in the confusion and uncertainty and you open, fully accepting your vulnerability to life and its circumstances, you are developing spiritual maturity. The understanding that everyone has something to contribute to your spiritual development is a symptom of spiritual maturity that contributes to dissolve the hig-handedness of ego that lives in the world of shadows and constant confusion. So when you are in adverse circumstances, it tends to disappear from the scene so as not discover that he does not know how to deal with them because of a lack of discernment and introspection that comes from connecting with the Essential Being and with God. Spiritual maturity is a path of transformation and personal that looks for the protection and guidance of divine plane that generates prosperity, harmony and inner peace. Only then you will get to vibrate and experience what it means to live in the world of the spirit and the divine consciousness as the essence of life and evolution.
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Life is like a game of cards...

Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will.
Jawaharlal Nehru 

Healing beliefs ...

"The greatest force in the human body is the natural drive of the body to heal itself, but that force is not independent of the belief system... everything begins with a belief."         ~Albert Einstein

Article No. 0100 - Spiritual Channeling

Spiritual Channeling

By: Lynn Claridge
Spiritual channeling is a process whereby an individual becomes the channel and the spirit speaks for them. Instead of contacting departed loved ones the entities that normally come through are guides. The information may not have great impact, however, the source seems to hold more weight or at least provide a different perspective.

Many channelers have the same entity or entities repeatedly. The entities that are being channeled, often discuss a particular subject that is normally spiritual and they would pass on their knowledge and their wisdom.

Channeling is a skill that anyone can develop. All you need is the desire to grow spiritually and the determination to reach upwards. Channeling does not take years of special training, but what it does require is the ability to make ones mind calm and free of thoughts and you do need the ability to trust.

If you go back over the years, priestesses and priests of the temples, psychics, seers, witchdoctors and shamans were the channel of energy from the unconscious to natural spirits and their own spirit guides.

All civilizations and cultures have had mystics or trace channelers, who provided a service with their abilities. They tap into a different dimension and bring through knowledge, which is not obtainable to the masses. The shamans and the priests have kept this art form alive until this very day and when used with the right attitude it becomes available to almost anyone.

Channeling is for those of you that wish to enrich and develop the wisdom of your higher self. This is not a way of solving your daily and emotional problems.

Sometimes miracles can happen; however, your guide will guide and help you find the solutions to what you need to know. You guide does this by helping you to see a variety of options you have in your decision making processes.

It is important to understand that channeling must not be confused with someone whose soul intention is to contact the dead and seek their assistance.

When a medium uses spiritual channeling, they are leaving their ordinary waking consciousness and becoming a conduit for a source of energy not normally in their awareness.

They may have a sense of reaching their higher self (the highest vibrational part of the self as this is still identified as individual), a spirit guide, or other light being, or they may feel a beautiful loving energy flowing through their body for the healing of themselves and in that of others. Thoughts or images that are not their own may enter their mind, or they may find they are self-speaking in a way that differs from there ordinary thought process.

Channeling is one of the many gifts of spirit as it helps you to unfold spiritual growth.

Channeling is not practiced as an end in itself, but as a part of the channelers deep desire to be close to the great spirit and to serve as an instrument for the expression of the higher planes of consciousness. The spiritual channeler does not seek glory; moreover, they feel deeply privileged to be part of the personal and planetary healing process.

Having clarity in channeling comes from your ability to reach a higher vibrational source and maintain a clear contact with it. As you enter a deep state of relaxation or meditation, it brings the highest energies present for the session. If you are taking alcohol, medication, are stressed or have fatigue, in fact any form of illness, these will not give you a clear contact. Work only when you and your physical body are in excellent condition.

The spirit guides who will work with you have a single purpose and that is to teach you to see yourself as they see you. A being of love, light and creative potential who is one with ones self. As you begin to accept these truths about your essence, past traumas dissolve and your daily reality begins to come into alignment with the desires of your higher self. A growing sense of peace and joy shows you that you are on the right path.

You can achieve the best results by working with a group whose main goal is to grow spiritually and to become conduits of the energy of love and healing that they receive.

All channelers filter the information that comes through them. It is in the purest form, when sent. The message will be of pure energy and a unit of total awareness and understanding can be seen as a light entering in the channelers aura. As the channelers physical body, mind and vocal chords are expressing the message it will then take on an earthly form, so that it can be understood on the earth plane. In the process of translating energy into words, the message is inevitable altered.

If you want somebody else to channel for you, let your instincts be your guide. Choose a positive person and make sure that their presence makes you feel comfortable and accepted. Most people are apprehensive about the first time they have a channeled reading. So try to separate this anxiety from the sense you have of the channeler. However, if you feel acute discomfort or physic pain, you may want to work with someone else.

Feel free to ask questions before the sessions begin. You may want to know what is the focus of the session, whether you can ask questions and what results other people have received. Ask permission to tape the session. If a tape is provided, you will hear many new things when you later replay your tape.
Attempt to suspend your judgmental self during the session and enjoy the flow of the session. You need not accept any statement that does not ring true to you; ask for more information or simply put it aside and you can consider it later. If you are pushing away positive statements about yourself, that can be a clue that you need to work on self-love. However, if you get no sense of inner confirmation about a statement, let it go.

Remember that channeling often serves its best purpose by spotlighting things you already knew about yourself but were avoiding or denying. Spiritual channeling helps you deal with your fears, understand your options, and move forward more confidently. By pointing out your spiritual gift and confirming your intuitions, it can give you the support you need to be your true self.

Preparing to Channel.
I myself found that practicing channeling with others was easier than for me alone. However, taking time for solitude and meditation is also important as this helps strengthen your connection with your spirit guides. Whether alone or with someone else, take some time to sit quietly. Create a sacred space for yourself by lighting a candle, you can also burn some incense. Visualize and feel the white light from the heart flow into you. Breathe deeply and focus on the breath to give your brain a job (Sometimes the busy brain needs a job). You can tell your mind to focus on your breathing, as this helps to quieten the mind.

How to connect with your guide.
When you are relaxed, comfortable and your mind is clear, start to telepathically call out to your guide (you might like to call to your angel instead of your guide the choice is yours) ask them to come in to your sacred space.

In your minds eye begin to see them coming towards you. When you feel their presence, imagine that a beam of light begins to radiate from your guide or angel and open your heart, so that the light passes through the feeling of love.

Feel the energy flowing both ways from their heart to your heart and back to them. Once that energy is flowing strongly, imagine a second beam of light radiating from their third eye to yours. Open all your psychic senses and feel the flow of energy between your third eye and their third eye. I have found that connecting on both of these levels helps strengthen the telepathic communication link.

If you are comfortable, invite your guide to come and blend with you. There is nothing to fear. Feel the loving energy coming from your guide. There is absolutely no harm that can come to you in allowing your guide to come close. There are no ulterior motives in the spirit realm, they simply want to love and help you. I let my guide come right up to me and blend with me. It is as if we share the same space for a while.

Once you are in this state, open to the bliss of the oneness. Your guides are of the highest light, and always come in with a tremendous loving energy. You should start to feel comfortable, soothed and uplifted.

If you feel any fear or you find you are uncomfortable, go back to the start and focus on bringing in more white light. Before you start, again ask yourself why you are afraid. Try to let go of the fear and understand that you have complete control over what you allow into your energy field.

Working with your guides and your angels.
Your guide and angel can offer you a loving, healing energy, as well as valuable insight from their unique perspective.

Accessing these higher dimensions and the feeling of being, connected to your guide or angel can strengthen your soul and help you flow with life.

To strengthen your connection with your guide, you can simply acknowledge their presence in your life. Talk to them telepathically and trust that they hear you. They will respond to you and it just takes openness on your part to “hear” them. They may communicate by a vision, sometimes by words or a feeling of knowingness. The way they communicate is dependent upon the amount of practice you have done. (It will always start slowly. Do not give up. Keep going, as practice always makes perfect).

Keep a journal, notebook, pen or a tape recorder handy. Therefore, if you receive a message that you feel is important you can write it down. This allows you to work with the message until it feels integrated. It also allows you the opportunity to share the message with others, which is a way to validate your experiences.

By practicing this exercise, you can come to know your guide in a deep and profound way. In these chaotic times, taking a moment to connect with your spirit guide can give you the reassurance you need. Even if you do not have a specific question, connect with your healing guide to send you healing energy to balance and energize you.

An important point to remember is, that if your voice changes in tone slightly or your writing changes, do not be alarmed as this is quite normal when practicing channeling.

Be sure to open your heart and let in their love. This can be quite profound and can help you to understand how your guide can help you through your life. Remember trust is important on both sides.
About the Author: Lynn Claridge is a psychic claivoyant and has written a book onDeveloping Psychic Ability . She specializes in psychic development through meditation and the understanding of your inner-self. Lynn`s book is available from
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If I have a belief that I can do it,
I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it;
even if I have not had that belief in the beginning.
- Mahatma Gandhi -