Congratulations on your recent decision to purchase the Ionizer Footbath.
This manual will give you all the knowledge you will need to fully enjoy and
understand the remarkable health benefits you will receive from your usage.
Although you probably never heard of this wonderful device until just
recently, the Ionizer Footbath has been helping people restore and maintain their
good health for more than three centuries. Only a few natural health practitioners
have known about the secret benefits that electrically charged,
ionized water can bring to the human body. In reality, this in itself, is amazing
because ionized water is perfectly natural and occurs constantly in nature. Two
very common instances of ionized water are a gurgling forest brook and the
roaring ocean surf. Both do wonders for the mind and body.
When water is moving, there is a natural electromagnetic interchange between
the hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up the molecule of water which
humanity knows as the “Liquid of Life”. All life originally came from the sea,
and water is still the incubator of life. Before you were born you gestated in the
watery embryonic sac within your mother’s womb and your body developed in
your water environment. As you can see, water has played a vital role in your
life and health.
When you were born, your body was 85% water and your pH was extremely
alkaline (much more on this later). After the age of approximately 25, when your
body stopped growing (anabolic), your body stabilized at 70% water levels for
males and 75% for females. This period of homeostasis (pH acid/alkaline water
balance) lasts for about two decades. Around 45-50 years of age your body starts
to naturally deteriorate with the build up of acid waste (catabolic) and your water
content gradually evaporates until you die, when your water level is a fatal 50%
of your body mass.
This is all part of the Biblical “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust” prophesy. In
older people, it is quite obvious to the casual observer that the elderly are literally
“drying up”, and this is because they can not or choose not to keep them-selves
properly hydrated. The major cause of dementia and senility is the lack of body
water. Without ionized water, your body has no “juice”. You are an electrical
soul. Your brain works on an electrical pulse and your heart beats with an
electrical spark. It is your ionized blood plasma that supplies your nervous
system with the electricity your body needs to sustain your life.
History of Ionized Water
Ionized water has been with us since the dawn of time. It is the mildly
charged energy which enabled our God to create life. Water in a stream is
ionized as it rapidly follows gravity and flows to the sea. In the sea, the constant
churning of the ocean’s currents, tides and surf creates the ions and the electrical
current so vital to life. Both environments energize humanity.
Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father, and one of the most famous scientists
of the world, is the inventor of the Ionizer Footbath. Around 1755, Franklin was
totally absorbed with the discovery and use of electricity. He correctly
understood that your body is run on electricity. Franklin invented the storage
capability for electricity and named it a “battery”. Once a week, he would use
this device (similar to today’s car battery), hook up an anode terminal to the
poles, and ionize the water in a bucket. Then he would place his feet into the life
energizing elixirs of salted water and soak them for 10 minutes.
In Franklin’s Colonial Age, the average American lived for only 35 years
before yellow fever, cholera, influenza, typhoid, etc. overtook them. Ben lived a
vigorous and fulfilled life for a remarkable 84 years and attributed his long life in
part to his weekly addition of electricity. In fact, Franklin took his status as
“Father of the Nation” a little to heart, as he was a well known womanizer, and
was sued in a paternity suit which he lost at the tender age of 71. Maybe, the
footbaths had something to do with his remarkable libido.
Franklin shared his Ionizer Footbath with his good friend and fellow scientist,
Thomas Jefferson with similar results. After the death of Jefferson’s wife,
Martha Skelton, when he was in his 50’s, Jefferson had a long affair with Sally
Hemings, his Black housekeeper, whom he had an additional 4 children before
his death at 83 on the 4th of July, 1826.
Both Franklin and Jefferson truly believed in the longevity power of the
Ionizer Footbath. works. The Ionizer works by using electrical ions to draw
toxins, fungus, mold, yeast, bacteria, viruses, and other poisonous pathogens out
of your body through the magnetic power of electrical energy. By cleansing the
body of all these harmful substances, the detoxifying action greatly strengthens
your immune system. It is your naturally strong immune system that keeps you
healthy and free from disease. Ask any holistic based doctor, and he/she will tell
you that it is your immune system that God designed, that will keep you healthy
Your life is a continuous circle of Consumption, Digestion, Metabolism and
Elimination. Your health is determined by an efficient flow of this
eating/energizing/exiting of excess acid cycle. Unfortunately for you, your
system is not perfect, and your many hiccups that occur from your mouth to your
anus cause you multiple health problems.
For Americans, many of our problems start with Consumption. We are the
world’s leader in fast food, junk food, eat-on-the-run, pressure cooker, rat race,
chase-our-own-tail, spinning-out-of-control existence. Our life style is poisoning
us with untold toxicity because we make so many wrong choices. Even though
we know in our minds what is right, our body’s desires trick us continuously.
We need to make the mind/body connection.
Because we follow a bad nutrition philosophy, the rest of our gastro-intestinal
(GI) alimentary channel becomes clogged with way too much acidic garbage.
Acid is corrosive and by its very nature it wears away everything that it touches.
This includes you! Acid burns, acid hurts and the more acid you build up in your
system the faster it will bring your health and life to a halt. Excess acid is the
primary cause of most of today’s diseases.
Diseases fall mainly into three categories: Genetic (Congenital)-diseases
you inherit; Infectious-diseases you catch from others by sexual activity or
something bites you; Chronic-lifestyle diseases you develop usually by what you
eat. These include diabetes, obesity, arthritis, cancer and heart disease, to just
mention a few (there are many more). The Chronic category diseases kill 90% of
all Americans, and all of them are based on excessive acidosis, which is too much
cellular and blood stream acidity. This is why it is so important to use the Ionizer
Footbath to reduce your toxic, acidic overload.
Your Digestion does nothing to change your acid levels. If you eat acidic,
processed foods like white sugar, white flour (pasta & bread), white rice, white
milk, white fat (in a steak) and white cooking oils (trans-fatty acids); you will be
acidic, and your health will suffer. You need to eat alkaline foods; i.e., anything
green because it contains chlorophyll, which is made by using sunlight (God’s
true source of all energy) and grown into food by the process of photosynthesis.
Humanity evolved eating God’s natural foods of plants, berries, nuts, seeds, roots
and drinking pure, ionized water, which are all alkaline. It has only been in the
last century, that we have eaten processed foods, and the acid buildup is making
you sick and tired!
Your Metabolism is hurting you because you are suppose to eat alkaline
foods, which through the Kreb’s Cycle is converted into ATP energy by your
cellular mitochondria, and the byproduct of your metabolism is acid. Your body’s
main Elimination job is to rid yourself of this produced acid. Your body has six
ways to do this. They are: Urination, Defecation, Perspiration, Respiration,
Buffering and Storing.
Urination is simply your kidneys eliminating uric acid in your urine (unprocessed
uric acid crystals causes gout, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sore backs,
etc.) Defecation is your lower GI tract producing stools, acidic hard wastes
(the recent Minneapolis bridge collapse is attributed to excessive bird droppings
– highly acidic, eroding the steel joints). Perspiration, is your sweat coming out
of your pores which is salty/sweet because it is full of acid (all
sweets from sugar based food are acidic, this is why we have so much diet
failures. Diabetics have very sweet perspiration; this is why they are the first to
get bitten by insects at the next picnic). Respiration is your breathing, when you
expire acidic carbon dioxide as your waste gas of metabolism (in the cycle of life,
your carbon dioxide acid is plant’s life gas, which they use to make alkaline food.
The plants produce alkaline oxygen as their waste gas which becomes your life
gas. The moral of this story is to keep a lot of plants around, as they will give
you an abundance of oxygen which raises your alkaline pH value, keeping you
In a healthy person, the last four methods of eliminating acid buildup should
be sufficient in keeping a normal, alkaline blood pH. However, we, with our
Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), produce way too much acidic waste in our
bodies to be eliminated by normal means. Therefore, your body is forced to take
extraordinary methods to lower your health-robbing acidic luggage.
The first emergency protocol that your body uses to put out this acid fire, is to
use your body’s supply of alkaline salts of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium,
Potassium and Iron to raise your pH to a healthy level. In an emergency, this is
OK, but living the life of S.A.D., it becomes a daily, chronic condition, for which
your body responds by becoming sick and tired.
Your loss of Calcium causes osteoporosis, frailness in both sexes. Your loss
of Magnesium causes your inability to handle stress. Your loss of Sodium hurts
your ability to balance your body’s water, causing diarrhea. Your loss of
Potassium causes muscle weakness and heart problems. Your
loss of Iron causes anemia because the iron is stolen from your hemoglobin.
You have read but a few of the many, many health problems caused by too
high blood acid levels – there are many more!
If this wasn’t enough, the sixth method your body uses in its fight to keep the
acid fire under control is storage. With too much acid to cope with, your body
finally decides to stop bailing out the overflowing acid and store it. God gave
you an emergency storage closet to hide your excess acid when all other methods
failed to dump it overboard. It is Adipose tissue. Of your 218 cells, it is the one
designed to store fatty acids. You have them all over your body, but men have
them most in their pot belly and love handles and women have them in their
thunder thighs and bubble buttocks. It’s not a pretty solution, but it is desperation
time for your poor, acid racked body. Under microscope, your adipose cells look
like flat balloons, but with a fill up of excess fatty acids they inflate and so do
you. This is called obesity! This is America’s epidemic, and it causes a lot more
health problems than just tight jeans.
There are only two general ways to correct this over acidification of your
body. The first is to stop building up the acid overload in the beginning.
Generally, there are four ways you make the body too acidic; Diet, Stress, Drugs
and Age.
We already know through the S.A.D. Diet, that we eat too much acid-forming
foods. Learn to eat more alkaline. Stress, and anxiety, personal turmoil, and
depression all cause acid forming hormones to retain body acid. Mental patients
are all extremely acidic in pH chemistry. Learn to chill out, meditate from the rat
race, take time to smell the roses and get proper rest. Deep breathing exercises
are absolutely your best medicine…and cheap! Drugs are mostly acid because
they need to change a healthy alkaline body’s chemistry to work. Chemotherapy
acid drugs are pure poison because cancer cells are usually less than 2% of your
body, so the theory is to kill many cells with the hope your healthy cells will win
the cellular war. Works out some times, but so does Russian Roulette. Age,
once we pass the age of 45-50, we should have fulfilled our promise in Genesis to
go forth and multiply. God gives us only so much time to hold up our end, then
He begins to naturally acidify our bodies turning us into ashes to ashes, dust to
dust as a means to clear the land for the next generation. You can postpone this
inevitable scene through the use of alkaline diet, lifestyle and vitamin/mineral
The second best method is to take the excess acid out of your body. One of
the easiest, less intrusive and feel good methods to do this is by using the Ionizer
Footbath. If you are generally healthy, using this 300 year old method will help
eliminate excess acid on a weekly basis. If you are suffering from any of the
Chronic Diseases of Diabetes, Obesity, Arthritis, Cancer or Heart Disease,
you need to do it daily. Remember to supplement after each treatment with
vitamins and minerals to restore the good “stuff” back into your system.