Keeping your health...
The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. - Mark Twain
Under the weather!
Sorry folks no blogs as of late. Been under the weather the last week, but on the mend though. MBO's to all.
Namaste' DB
Namaste' DB
MBO's, Most Benevolent Outcomes for All.
Learning how to be in touch with your Guardian Angel is truly a simple process, as you’ll read below. Making it a part of your daily routine is the hardest part, as we are all creatures of habit. Adding something new to our daily lives, even though highly beneficial, takes some work.
Benevolent (pronounced Be-nev-o-lent) is not a commonly used word in everyday language, so it was quite noticeable to me. The Webster’s Dictionary defines Benevolent as “A kindly disposition to promote happiness and prosperity through good works, or by generosity in and pleasure of doing good works.” I wasn’t exactly sure how that related to what I was reading, but my curiosity was aroused. I gradually expanded these requests to every phase of my life—business and personal with the same success. In the following chapters, I will give you many examples of how to request these Benevolent Outcomes in your life, but let’s begin with some basics.
How do Benevolent Outcomes work?
There is no limit to the number of requests you can ask during your lifetime. You will not go “over quota.” If you can imagine enormous stacks of forms all around you, each one of them saying, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome __________.” The rest is blank and ready for you to fill in your request. You fill in the blank and say “Thank you!” I estimate that I have requested at least 10,000 to 15,000 Benevolent Outcomes over more than 10 years, and I still have that huge mound of forms that will never diminish in size.
Another important point to remember is that your Guardian Angel does not have vocal cords to respond to you. They respond by whispering messages and creating events that let you know you’re never alone—they’re always with you. When you request Benevolent Outcomes, you raise your awareness to these messages and events. It takes practice. If you only contact them in times of crises, they can be slow to react because they have to figure out how to communicate with you. The more you request Benevolent Outcomes, the more “tuned in” you will be with your own Guardian Angel and Guides.
In my meditation the message I receive is that you should continue with these requests. But requesting Benevolent Outcomes is an expansion of what you have been doing, as it gives structure and becomes a habit, instead of something you think to do occasionally. Requests for Benevolent Outcomes are to be said out loud (you can whisper or write them if need be). This is a physical world and you want a physical action to take place. Therefore you must request the Benevolent Outcome in a physical manner, by writing or saying the request out loud.
When you see the positive results from requesting Benevolent Outcomes, be sure to thank your Guardian Angel. I say “thank you, thank you, thank you,” as I don’t say that to anyone else. Three “thank you’s are just for my Angel.
Easy Steps to Review:
Benevolent (pronounced Be-nev-o-lent) is not a commonly used word in everyday language, so it was quite noticeable to me. The Webster’s Dictionary defines Benevolent as “A kindly disposition to promote happiness and prosperity through good works, or by generosity in and pleasure of doing good works.” I wasn’t exactly sure how that related to what I was reading, but my curiosity was aroused. I gradually expanded these requests to every phase of my life—business and personal with the same success. In the following chapters, I will give you many examples of how to request these Benevolent Outcomes in your life, but let’s begin with some basics.
How do Benevolent Outcomes work?
- A Request for a Benevolent Outcome is a request to your Guardian Angel for assistance.
- A Request for a Benevolent Outcome has to be for exact intentions. You are asking for something specific.
- It can only be used benevolently, even if it is accidentally (or otherwise) said in some way that isn’t benevolent.
- It will only work if the experience is benevolent for everyone, including those who cooperate consciously or on a subconscious level in bringing about your request.
- A Benevolent Outcome must be a request for something you wish to happen, not something you don’t wish to occur.
- And the request has to be for YOU, although others with you may be benevolently affected too.
There is no limit to the number of requests you can ask during your lifetime. You will not go “over quota.” If you can imagine enormous stacks of forms all around you, each one of them saying, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome __________.” The rest is blank and ready for you to fill in your request. You fill in the blank and say “Thank you!” I estimate that I have requested at least 10,000 to 15,000 Benevolent Outcomes over more than 10 years, and I still have that huge mound of forms that will never diminish in size.
Another important point to remember is that your Guardian Angel does not have vocal cords to respond to you. They respond by whispering messages and creating events that let you know you’re never alone—they’re always with you. When you request Benevolent Outcomes, you raise your awareness to these messages and events. It takes practice. If you only contact them in times of crises, they can be slow to react because they have to figure out how to communicate with you. The more you request Benevolent Outcomes, the more “tuned in” you will be with your own Guardian Angel and Guides.
In my meditation the message I receive is that you should continue with these requests. But requesting Benevolent Outcomes is an expansion of what you have been doing, as it gives structure and becomes a habit, instead of something you think to do occasionally. Requests for Benevolent Outcomes are to be said out loud (you can whisper or write them if need be). This is a physical world and you want a physical action to take place. Therefore you must request the Benevolent Outcome in a physical manner, by writing or saying the request out loud.
When you see the positive results from requesting Benevolent Outcomes, be sure to thank your Guardian Angel. I say “thank you, thank you, thank you,” as I don’t say that to anyone else. Three “thank you’s are just for my Angel.
Easy Steps to Review:
- Request the Benevolent Outcomes out loud, whisper, or in writing.
- Start with easy requests for immediate feedback.
- Be very specific with your request.
- Make requesting Benevolent Outcomes a habit.
- Requesting a Benevolent Outcome with emotion and feeling reinforces the request.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for the impossible.
- You can request that the outcome be even more than you can expect or imagine.
- Thank your Guardian Angel for fulfilling your request.
M.I.A. this week.
Sorry for not Blogging at all this week, Its been a long week. But lets see what inspires me today, hmmm?
ML has been sick all week too. Anybody wishing to give her MBO's, they will be most welcome.
Thank You, Blessings and Namaste'
ML has been sick all week too. Anybody wishing to give her MBO's, they will be most welcome.
Thank You, Blessings and Namaste'
These are the species effected by the "Gulf Oil Spill"
The Gulf of Mexico covers about 600,000 square miles. It is bordered by the U.S. states of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, part of the Mexican coast, and Cuba. The Gulf of Mexico is important for fishing (recreational and commercial) and also a place for marine life viewing.
- There are 29 species of marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico, including cetaceans and sirenians. Cetacean species include minke, blue, fin, sperm whale, orcas, beaked whales and a number of dolphin species, including bottlenose dolphins, the saddle-backed dolphin, striped dolphin and spinner dolphin. The West Indian manatee also inhabits the the Gulf of Mexico.
- Five of the 7 sea turtle species live in the Gulf of Mexico: the Kemp's ridley, leatherback, loggerhead, green and hawksbill. Alligators also thrive in coastal areas.
- With its wide range of habitats, the Gulf of Mexico supports a variety of invertebrate species, including oysters, crabs, shrimp, and snails. Corals, jellyfish, and worms also live here. In deeper areas, tubeworms up to 7 feet long and bivalves chemosynthetically live off of methane and hydrogen sulfide that seep from the ocean floor.
- Fish species that live in the Gulf of Mexico include a number of sharks, such as the nurse shark, great white shark, shortfin mako, blue shark, scalloped hammerhead, stingrays (southern stingray, spotted eagle ray, cownose ray), and other fish species, some of which are sought by commercial and recreational fishermen. Other fish species include sawfish, moray eel, American eel, striped mullet, black drum, red drum, seatrout, tarpon, amberjack, Florida pompano, snook, crevalle Jack, cobia, tripletail, snapper, and sheepshead.
- The Gulf of Mexico hosts a number of bird species. Many live there year round, while some migrate to this warm location during the winter. Species include native birds such as pelicans, anhingas, frigatebirds, egrets, herons, spoonbills, ibis, and mallard ducks, and wintering species which include the large northern gannet.
- The Gulf of Mexico supports a variety of marine algae and plants. Some of the most important are species of seagrasses, which provide habitat for adult animals such as manatees and sea turtles, and nursery areas for young fish and invertebrates. Along the coast, you'll find mangroves, which also provide important habitat
Effects of The "Gulf Oil Spill" on Marine Life...
"Overall, the effects of an oil spill depend on a variety of factors, including the weather and other environmental conditions, the composition of the oil and how close it gets to shore. But here are some ways an oil spill can impact marine life"
Fouling of HabitatOil spills in the can effect ocean habitat, both offshore and onshore.
Hypothermia - Oil, a product that we often use to keep warm, can cause hypothermia in marine animals. As oil mixes with water, it forms a substance called "mousse," which sticks to feathers and fur.
Poisoning and Internal DamageAnimals can be poisoned or suffer internal damage from ingesting oil. Effects include ulcers and damage to red blood cells, kidneys, liver and to the immune system. Oil vapors can injure to eyes and lungs, and can be particularly hazardous while new oil is still coming to the surface and vapors are evaporating. If vapors are severe enough, marine mammals may become "sleepy" and drown.
Increased PredationOil can weigh down feathers and fur, making it difficult for birds and pinnipeds to escape from predators. If they are covered with enough oil, birds or pinnipeds may actually drown.
Decreased ReproductionOil spills can effect the eggs of marine life such as fish and sea turtles, both when the spill happens and later on. Fisheries were impacted years after the Exxon Valdez spill due to the destruction of herring and salmon eggs when the spill occurred.
Fouling of HabitatOil spills in the can effect ocean habitat, both offshore and onshore.
Before an oil spill reaches shore, the oil can poison plankton and other pelagic marine life.
On shore, it can cover rocks, marine algae and marine invertebrates. The Exxon Valdez spill coated 1,300 miles of coastline, initiating a massive cleanup effort. Once the cleanup of surface areas has occurred, oil that has seeped into the ground can hurt marine life for decades. For example, oil can drip into the ground, causing issues for burrowing animals such as crabs.
Environmental conditions,
Oil spill
Feng Shui post of the day for June 5th 2010
Feng Shui literally means wind water. It is an ancient Chinese study of how mankind is affected by the surroundings. With Shui or water as a component of its name, it should not surprise anyone that water has a significant role in this metaphysics study.
According to an ancient Chinese Feng Shui sage, ‘qi’ (or life giving energy) is dispersed by the wind and accumulates near water. The ideal Feng Shui location is one with an abundance of lively ‘qi’. It should have hills at the back, to the left and right to protect the ‘qi’ from being blown away by strong winds. And there should be a river or lake in front to help retain this life giving ‘qi’.
It is quite common for Feng Shui practitioners to advise their clients to place water features such as a water fountain or aquarium within and surrounding the house.
These locations are specially selected based on Feng Shui formulas and there are usually areas with auspicious qi. Placing water features such as fountains helps to retain as well as activate the ‘qi’ in these areas.
There are very specific rules regarding the placement of such water features. Putting them in the wrong location may bring dire consequences. If you do not plan to use the services of a practitioner, you may wish to consider buying portable water features which can be easily move from one place to another just in case it is required!
The ‘qi’ distribution in a house depends on the facing direction of the house as well as the year that it was completed. It is not possible to cover every permutation. Instead I am going to give you a generic suggestion that is applicable for most houses between the period from now and 2024. These auspicious locations are the South-West and East sectors of the house. Try not to place them in the North-East sector.
In addition to the placement, the direction of flow is also important. An upward water flow is acceptable. But if you have to choose between an outward or inward flow, choose the later as an inwards flow towards the center of the house symbolizes an inflow of wealth while an outward flow symbolizes the opposite!
*posted by Doug from
Feng Shui,
Isis Chaneling Kit,
Notice what's wrong just long enough...
Notice what's wrong just long enough to make yourself aware of it. Then let go, and move on to doing something positive about it.
Instead of dwelling on what is wrong, focus on what you cando to make it right. Challenge yourself to find and tofollow the positive perspective that will transform theproblem into an opportunity. Don't get yourself stressed out by obsessing about how badthings are. Get yourself motivated and enthusiastic aboutwhat you can do to make a difference. Step back and observe what you are thinking. Choose to fillyour mind with useful, creative, empowering thoughts thatwill point you in a positive direction.Let go of the thoughts that just intensify your doubts,fears and worries. Give preference to the thoughts that youcan act upon to create new value in your life. What you see most vividly is where you will go. Focus on the best possibilities and you'll create them in your life.
Verification of my blog...
GGJMQDNDTHE9, This is for verification of my blog for another website.
Isis Channeling Kit,
Feng Shui post of the day for June 1st 2010

The Maneki Neko, literally "Beckoning Cat"; also known as Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Money cat, or Fortune Cat)
is a common Japanese sculpture, often made of ceramic, which is believed to bring good luck to the owner. The sculpture depicts a cat (traditionally a Japanese Bobtail) beckoning with an upright paw, and is usually displayed—many times at the entrance—in shops, restaurants, pachinko parlors, and other businesses. Some of the sculptures are electric or battery-powered and have a slow-moving paw beckoning. In the design of the sculptures, a raised right paw supposedly attracts money, while a raised left paw attracts customers. (From Wikipedia)
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